Chapter 55

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I woke up in the morning with the sunlight in my eyes. Man, my head doesn't feel so right, what the hell happened last night? I suddenly feel very hot so I roll over, assessing where the space heater was in my bed because I was burning up. Much to my surprise, I roll over and find that Tori and I aren't the only people in my bed.

Cameron lay in between us, shirtless and spread out as much as he possibly could be. I can't help but laugh at how he always tends to end up in my bed, no matter where I decide to sleep or who I'm sleeping with. Just as I was getting up to go see the rest of the messy house, Tori started to stir, too.

"Holy shit, my head hurts." She groaned as she slowly sat up. "Wait, who the hell..Cameron!?" She assessed the extra person in the bed as I had just done, getting up from the bed and walking towards the bathroom. "I feel disgusting. I'm getting in the shower." She walks towards the bathroom, but not before grabbing a decorative pillow from our couch that was sitting near the bed, chucking it at a still passed out Cameron. "Get the hell out." She mumbled before walking into the bathroom completely.

Cameron just turns over in his sleep and completely passes out again as I walk over towards the door, twist the lock, and open it slowly, bracing myself for what I knew I was about to see. Shockingly, once I opened the door, two bodies came falling in. Nash and Matt's passed out bodies fell onto my feet as I open the door completely. They don't move as I step over top of them and head downstairs.

"Hey, good morning rockstar." Shawn's voice quietly speaks as I walk down the stairs. I send him a quick smile as I walk over to the counter, which was filled with donut boxes and a pitcher of orange juice.

"Ooh, orange juice!" I heard a voice call out from behind me, turning around only to see it was Tristan followed by the other three boys, their hair still damp from what must have been their recent showers.

I narrow my eyes at the four as they walk down the stairs, "Did you all take a shower together or..?" I ask, in reality, a joking manner held behind my question.

"Yeah, that's what keeps bands together, Abbi." James replies to my sarcastic comment, a serious expression on his face as he shrugs his shoulders and takes a donut out of the box on the counter, biting into it as he walked into the living room.

"Isn't that why you have such a big shower?" Brad asked, smirking at me, yet I could tell he was being completely serious.

"So, did you like the present outside of your door?" Shawn interrupted the conversation.

"Yeah, what was that all about?" I ask him, while pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

"They've been trying to get in there to talk to you two for the past 3 hours...they must've finally just gave up and fell back asleep. They probably need it though, they were both wrecked last night." Madison chimed in, and it made me feel really bad actually that they've been up for that long based on the time we all went to sleep.

"Yeah, and I woke up and Cameron was in between Tori and I. No idea how that happened though, we locked the door last night." I add, confused just as Tori was walking down the stairs.

"Yeah, I was really confused. And hot. Ew." Tori practically gagged as she approached the counter, practically drooling at the sight of all the donuts.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Connor slams down his empty cup on the counter, causing everyone to slightly jump in surprise at the loud noise and Tori and I make eye contact as we try to make up impromptu plans since we hadn't really thought about it yet.

"We've never really explored this beautiful city before, maybe you guys can be our tour guides?" Brad sent us a small smile as he said this, a hint of pleading in his voice.

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