Chapter 54

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The next month was a whirlwind. We moved into our house, Matt and Nash had a lot of meetings and tons of projects. I’m pretty sure Cameron thought he was moving in too he was over so much. As for Tori and I we didn't do much. We would go shopping with Mahogany sometimes. Sometimes we would go to lunch with Madison. Jack, Jack, Sammy seemed to become more friends with Madison since she was the only other person they knew at UCLA. It hasn't happened yet but I know they are gonna get her to go to a real college party with them, I would definitely love to see that. The guys have started making friends with other people living in the area, like to mine and Tori’s delight, The Janoskians. Probably one of the friends we’ve all made was through Mahogany. She has a photographer friend, Bryant Eslava. He’s been taking lots of pictures of the guys for them to post for all the fans and everything and occasionally he sneaks pictures of me and Tori. Along with Cameron he seems to live at our house also.

We all decided since we started making a few friends here and there we should have some type of an initiation to California party. Not anything too wild, we don’t need to be introduced to the police stations just yet, but wild enough for our group of friends. We wanted to give ourselves a little more time to move in and unpack and give our friends who didn’t live in California enough time and the opportunity to come, too. Tori and I were sitting on the couch, just watching Netflix like we seemed to always do, while the guys were upstairs memorizing lines for some new audition they had in the morning. We decided to make a group text to everyone we wanted to invite to the party and see what they thought about the idea.

Me: Hey guys, if any of you don’t have any plans in two weeks, we are having a party here at the house, kind of late for a housewarming party, we know. But still, it will be fun!

Tori: Oh, and anyone can obviously crash at our house for however long you guys decide to stay.

Gilinsky: Count me and Jack in!

Sammy: Same, it’s actually a three day weekend for us isn’t it guys?

Madison: It is, i’ll stop by..

Johnson: YES! Party house all weekend.

Nash: Great…

Matt: Nash, vacuum the living room and stop texting people.

Dillon: Ooh, Espinosa putting the pants on.

Me: What the hell does that even mean, Dillon?

Jacob: I’m going to be in Nashville recording that weekend..):

Me: Damn, well whenever you aren’t busy recording hit songs you should stop by for a few days, I miss you..

Carter: Let me talk to my mom, but I should be able to fly out for a while.

Mahogany: I’ll be there! Do you guys need a mixtape or something for songs?

Tori: Umm, we might need a few ideas. I’ll text you though, Mahogany.

Cam: PARTY! I’ll probably stay for a few days...before...and after.

Nash: Doesn’t surprise us. We can hardly wait, Cam.

Shawn: I don’t check my phone for like 20 minutes and I come back to so many texts…

Tori: Oh shush, it makes you feel like you have more friends than you actually do.

Shawn: That’s actually true...but anyways, I just double checked and actually that weekend happens to be an off weekend for me on tour! So, I’ll probably fly in and stay with you guys for a few days. Do you guys mind if I bring some friends, too?

Me: Depends…

Madison: Are they cute?

Me: You literally just finished my thought, stop that.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ