Chapter 45

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Once we get back into town, Tori drops myself and the boys in her car off at my house so she can go home and check in with her mom. We all get out and the boys make their way into my house as I stay behind to talk to Tori, Nash, and Matt.

“So, what’s going on the rest of this week?” I ask, leaning against Tori’s window, the two other boys standing on either side of me.

“Well, I’m probably going to have to stay home for awhile. Mom will probably bitch and moan once I get back about how I haven’t been home and how she never sees me, blah blah. But, you know me...once she goes to work, I’ll leave again.” She explains.

Which is true, when she wasn’t living at my house, she would sleep in her own bed and then once her mom went to work in the morning, she would leave again and not come back until that night. It worked most of the time, but once in awhile Susie would get mad and put her on ‘house arrest’ which once again, wouldn’t stop us.

“Yeah...and I mean you already have enough people at your house, I’ll probably just stay at home too.” Matt says, angling his head towards me as he tells me what he is planning on doing.

The three of us turn our heads in Nash’s direction, waiting for his plans.

“Well I mean…” Nash shrugs his shoulders as he thinks about his possible options, “Someone has to keep these teenage boys away from you.” He jokes as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind me, pulling me away from the car slightly.

“True, I mean sometimes I have to contain MYSELF….bro, I was kidding man. Completely kidding.” Matt immediately goes back on his joke as Nash sends him, what I could only assume to be death glares, from behind my back.

"It's true, someone needs to keep the boys in line over here and I have a feeling they aren't going to listen to me.." I respond.

"Alright guys, well we will see y'all in the morning?" Nash questions them as he releases his grip on me and just grabs my hand as we slowly walk towards the house.

The two share a look of agreement before looking back our way and nodding.

"Okay, bye guys. See you in the morning!" I yell back to the two before Nash opens my front door and pulls me inside my house.

When I walked inside I was surprised to find all 7 boys lounging around my living room, my mom sitting on the couch, engaged in a conversation with both Shawn and Cameron. When I shut the door behind me, my moms attention turns to me, "Hey, pumpkin! How was your weekend?" She smiles towards me, using her nickname she was known for using on just about everyone.

"It was fun. But mom, I meant to mention it to you but the guys are staying here this week if that's okay with you?" I bat my eyelashes at her, all of the guys now putting their attention on her answer.

"Well...I guess this means I'll need to go grocery shopping again." She laughs, "I definitely don't have enough food to provide for seven teenage boys this week..." She finishes as she stands up and goes into the kitchen to check the cupboards.

"Oh hey Nash, I haven't seen you in awhile!" She notices him standing behind me and begins to walk over toward us.

"Hey mom," he smiles while opening his arms and giving my mom a hug.

"Oh, I didn't realize it was already this time at night.." My mom sighs, while glancing at her phone.

"It's okay mom, go to bed. We can get groceries in the morning. I'll even go with you." Cameron chimes in from his spot on the couch.

"Actually, you all can come so you can pick out whatever you guys want. Did you boys have enough pillows and blankets the other night or should I get more out?" My mom asks everyone and they all tell her they are fine, "alright, night boys. Night sweetheart." She says to me and kisses me quickly on the cheek before disappearing into her room on the other side of the house.

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