Chapter 40

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I wake up way too early to Tori shaking me and freaking out. "Abbi, Abbi, Abbi. They know it was us. Shit, Abbi. Were in trouble. They found out!" She was frantically shaking me and screaming.

I roll over to face her and grab my phone from the charger. "What the HELL Tori, it's eight in the morning. Go back to sleep, freak." I groan as I throw the blanket over my head to block out the light. I begin to scroll through my phone, checking all of my notifications and read the messages from the group text about 10 minutes ago.

Tori: Guys, they found out. Jeremy texted me and said he knew it was me and my friends and he had proof and was going to call the cops if we didn't go over and apologize.

Nash: What?! I'm on my way over right now.

Matt: Same, stay calm babe.

Taylor: What exactly did he say?

Tori: he said 'You can either come over here and apologize or the cops can come and get you and bring you over here'

Taylor: well, good thing we're about twenty minutes away!

Tori: what?!

Dillon: Me, Taylor, Sam, and the Jacks road tripped to you guys from our house! Unlock your door. We will be there soon.

Tori and I both look at each other before laying back down and internally groaning. "What the hell is going on right now?" I ask tori.

"Well, let's just wait until the boys get here and then we can figure out what to do." She says just as there is a knock on my bedroom door before it swings open revealing Nash and Matt.

They walk over to us and climb onto my bed, sitting cross-legged on the end of it.  

“Let me see the messages he sent you.” Matt holds his hand out to Tori, motioning for her to hand him her phone. She pulls up the messages and hands her phone to Matt.

He reads through the messages, not making any type of facial expression for a reaction, just staring blankly at the phone while he read through all of the rude messages he had sent Tori.

“Okay, let’s go. Let’s go talk to this asshole.” Matt says, tossing the phone on my bed and standing up quickly.

“Hey, bro. Calm down. Let’s not overreact, okay? We used to be really great friends with the guy...I mean, don’t freak. Okay bro?” Nash says while resting an arm on Matt’s shoulder, stopping him from walking any further.

“Yeah, we WERE friends with him. Until he screwed with our best friend, man. Don’t you remember? He was a complete di-” Matt began to pace back and forth across the width of my small room in front of my bed before he was cut off by Tori getting up.

“MATT!” She rose her voice over his rant, “Calm down, please. It’s honestly okay. We messed up, the four of us will just go over and apologize, I will even give him twenty bucks to clean his damn car and buy himself a box of tissues for his tears because he is being a little bitch about this whole thing. But honestly, that’s all we have to do. Let’s not freak out.” She takes a long breath before standing up and grabbing an outfit out of a drawer in my dresser that I had emptied for her clothes this summer because she practically moved into my house and she walks across the hall into my bathroom.

Just as I was about to get up and get my clothes together as well, my doorbell was ringing and it echoed through my house and into my room.

“Who the hell could that be?” I groan as I whip the blankets off of my body and walk out of my room and over towards my front door.

I open the door only to lay my eyes on Taylor, Jack, Jack, Dillon, Sam, and Cameron. Taylor still had his keys in his hand and he is the first one to move my arm that was blocking entrance into my house and he made his way past me and into my living room, followed by the rest of the boys, each giving me a small smile and head nod as they past me. Once I realized what had just happened and that I was still staring at my empty front porch, I shut the door and turn around to see all of the boys sprawled out around my living room.

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