Chapter 27

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I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket. Who would even be calling me at this time? I look down at my phone and see my friend Abby’s name come across my screen. I know Abby well enough, and if I just ignore her call she will call back..So, I might as well answer this.

“What do you need Abby?” I let out the breath I’ve been holding back into the phone.

“Dang, no need to be crabby. Hi, Abbi! I was just going to tell you that uh...I’m at Tori’s right now. And she might want to get ahold of Susie...because she is seriously so mad right now she could probably kill someone...and I really don’t want that someone to be me, so can you try and get ahold of Tori?”

I give Nash an apologetic look as I stand up and walk a few steps away to finish the conversation, “Abby, this is absolutely the WORST possible time you could’ve called. Why can’t you just call Tori yourself?”

“I tried, Susie tried, even Jeni tried...She isn’t answering. And I figured you two would be together’re never really apart…”

I groan into the phone, “No. I am NOT with her at all right now, I’m with Nash..I will get ahold of her later, just tell Suzie to calm down...why’s she even mad anyways?”

“Oooooooh Nash and Abbi alone? Juicy! But Abbi...Tori hasn’t contacted her mom in 3 days. She’s worried and mad’s just not a good combination. Oh...I forgot to mention one small detail, we’re in the car. On our way to Chicago. Yeah...I’d get ahold of Tori kinda quickly before Susie blows.” She responds.

I tell Abby that I will get ahold of her as soon as I get back to the hotel and I hang up the phone.

I walk back over to where Nash is sitting on the bench, now on his phone, and he looks up towards me once I get closer. I give him an apologetic smile as I shrug my shoulders, “Sorry…"

He just smiles towards me as he stands up and begins walking with me towards the park’s exit. At one point, our hands touch and Nash reaches over and grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers as we continue to walk down the street.

“I’m starving, let’s go get some food before we go back..” Nash says to me as we begin to walk by all of the restaurants lining the busy roads.  I really should go back and tell Tori what’s going on but...I mean...I have 3 hours before Suzie actually gets here..I’ll be good. I agree with Nash and we walk over to a Chipotle, both of our favorites. Nash holds the door open as I walk in first and am greeted with the smell of rice and freshly made salsa and I immediately get ten times hungrier. We walk up to the counter and order our food and Nash argued with me about who was going to pay long enough to make the cashier angry, and he finally just swiped his card before I could stop him. We sit down and begin to eat and make small talk during our meal. Even after what almost just happened, things aren’t awkward at all between us. After awhile, he brings up the inevitable, “So….about what almost happened earlier..”

“Don’t you dare say you’re sorry...because first of all, you’re not...but also you shouldn’t be sorry..” I interrupted him before he could finish what he was saying.

He laughed softly before he began, “I wasn’t going to say that Ab..but what I was going to say

was, what are we going to do now? Like us-wise?” He asks me, looking straight into my eyes.

“Well, I don’t know. Why don’t we just not push anything...and just let things happen. I just know I don’t ever want to lose our friendship so whatever we end up doing, I want to take it slow and easy.”

Nash doesn’t say anything at first, but instead he just looks at me and takes my small hand in both of his, “I agree completely, Ab. I couldn’t have said it better myself.” He smiles.

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