Chapter 21

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Nash's POV

As soon as I walk out of the bathroom I regret giving Abbi my sweatshirt to sleep in. She looks flawless, even when she's taken all her makeup away and put her hair up in a bun. I can't stop myself from breaking into a huge smile as I step over the bag that is laying on the floor and begin to walk over to her. She starts coughing, choking almost and I glance over at her and catch her staring at me, eyes wide open. I crack a joke about her choking on my beauty, which she denies almost immediately, and I know that she is lying judging by the way her face immediately turned red after I accused her of staring at me.

Is it weird that I want to go over and lay next to her in that bed? I want her to want that to, does she? So many questions rack my mind as I finally decide to walk over and sit just on the end of the bed. Maybe I can play it off later that im cold or something and I can get closer to her. Why am I making all of these excuses to be near her? She only likes me as a best friend. I only like her as a best friend. Maybe Matt was right, I mean I get nervous when she's not in my sight.

Maybe I'm just infatuated by the way her naturally wavy hair rests on top of her shoulders just perfectly, or the way she tilts her head back when she laughs or how when she smiles it seems like it lights the whole room up or how her eyes have this certain sparkle when I look into them. Maybe he is right, maybe I do have feelings for Abbi. But does she feel the same?

I give up on my mind at the moment and I scoot back on the bed and lay on top of the comforter with my back resting on the headrest next to Abbi. I begin to look through the small selection of movies that the hotel offers and Abbi broke the silence when I was nearing the end of the list, "NASH," she yells as she grabs my arm with the remote in it. "WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS, please nash pleaaaassseeee. This is my favorite movie, ever." She says, still not letting go of my arm but instead tugging on it, moving it closer to her.

I nod my head to agree with her and she jumps over next to me and hugs me from the side, "Thank you so much, you're the besssst!" She says as she hugs me and I just laugh and press buy on the remote. Bart owes us, I think to myself as I confirm the purchase and the movie begins to play. I lean back onto the pillow and Abbi, now sitting closer then she was just minutes before, lays down next to me, her head near where my arm was resting underneath of my head.

Throughout the first half of the movie we stayed this way, sometimes laughing so hard we had to catch or breaths. Near the end, where the love story really came into place Abbi started to get closer to me and within a few minutes of this awkward inching closer she lay her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her back and pull her closer to me as we finish watching the movie. Once it was over, Abbi was already sleeping on my chest and it felt too right to move over to the other bed so I climbed underneath of the blankets, careful not to wake her and held her close to me as I closed my eyes. And in this moment, my best friend in my arms, subconsciously intertwining my legs with hers as we both drift off to sleep, everything felt perfect.  

Abbis POV

I wake up in the morning by the bright sun shining in my eyes. I must have forgotten to shut the big curtains that line the window before I feel asleep. I lifted my head up and realized that I was laying on a shirtless Nash...I don't even remember falling asleep last night, let alone with him. I softly swing my feet around to the side of the bed and make my way to the bathroom so I can quickly brush my teeth and use the bathroom.

I walk back into the bedroom and just as I'm entering the doorway nash opens his eyes, "ughhhh ab, it's only like 7 in the morning. Come bacckkkkkk," Nash groans as he  squints his eyes while he looks at his phone to see the time. I walk over to the window and shut the blinds.

"You seriously keep it so freezing in here. I don't understand why. I am shivering and I have a sweatshirt on.." I say as I slide the curtains shut and it automatically gets pitch black in the room again, the only light shining is from the tv.

I can make out Nash's figure moving the covers back in the bed as he says, "I'm nice and warm in here...come back to bed." He whimpers and I give in and make my way back over to him. I climb in the bed next to him and cuddle up to his chest. I don't know why I do this, but right now it seems like the right thing to do.

"What time do we have to get up today?" I ask as I pull the blankets over my shoulders. Before answering me, Nash wraps his arm around my back and I instantly get so much warmer. "I'm not sure, but we can go down to the breakfast bar that Bart has for us in a little bit and see everyone. But for now, let's just be here." Nash says to me as he closes his eyes again.

I love this. Something about being so close to him makes me get butterflies in my stomach. Maybe Tori was right when she said that I had some type of feeling for Nash and it was just hidden because I didn't believe it myself. But does he feel the same? I don't even bother my head with more questions like this because right now I feel so comfortable that I just let things go and my eyes slowly close again.

The next time I open my eyes I am still wrapped up in the blankets of the bed and Nash's arms. I slowly remove one of his arms from over top of me and reach over to the table that's beside me and grab my phone from the charger. I glance at the time and it says 8:30. I know I have to get up eventually so I lay back in bed for a few more minutes, scrolling through twitter and checking all of my mentions.

I get on vine to catch up on all of the uploads I missed and I see Matthew uploaded multiple videos throughout the night and early morning. I start with the first one and it's him sitting by himself out on what looked like somewhere outide, "Well, it's been 2 hours since some lady with a pink wig locked me out on the roof. It's really cold and I can't get back in so..." He says as he throws his left hand up in the air. The next one, "I don't know who you are "pink lady" but I will find you and have you arrested" he says making air quotes with his fingers when he said pink lady. There were two more left, the next one, "It's been 5 hours now I'm tired and I want to go to bed. All I know that happened is the pink lady threw me out here and said 'have fun little Jew boy'" and the last, "I'm. Not. Even. Jewish." I laugh at the last one and then think about it. Hm, that's weird. Tori and Matt were together last night, weren't they?? I figure I can just talk to tori when I see her at breakfast and I hop out of bed and make my way into the bathroom with my clothes in hand.

Since it was only the morning I wanted to dress comfortable but since I didn't have any of my sweatshirts, I took another one of Nash's that was hanging in the closet. It was red, blue and black, tie-dyed almost and it said 'Asphalt Yacht-Club' on the front. I have seen Cam wear this a few times too, so maybe it was his. They share literally all of their clothes so who knows.

I took a pair of my ripped skinny jeans that were lying on the floor next to my bag and head into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and when I get out I change into my clothes for the morning and towel dry my hair and brush through it. I walk out of the bathroom and I see that Nash is still completely out.

I walk over to the bed and shake him in order to wake him up. He finally sits up after trying for what seemed like a whole hour, "Nash you need to wake up everyone is probably already downstairs," I say as I walk back into the bathroom, "Oh...and I'm borrowing this by the way," I say pointing to the sweatshirt. "I think it might be cams. But oh well. I have it now," he laughs as he makes his way into the bathroom to get himself ready for the day also.

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