Chapter 38

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Hey guys, just giving you all a little update. I know it took forever to get this chapter up, I just graduated last sunday. Yay, goodbye high school! So, I've been going to a bunch of graduation parties and things like that. But, now that graduation season is mostly over, I will be able to update more often! But if you are a dedicated reader of this story, please vote! Thank you!!!




Two weeks had went by faster than expected. Nash had stayed over at my house on an air mattress next to my bed, basically every night. He would set an alarm for every few hours during the night and he would get up and get me my pain medicine. He never left my side and, surprisingly enough, it didn’t get annoying. Taylor and Dillon had left after the first week and Tori and Matt were usually doing their own thing, leaving Nash and I to ourselves with the occasional Cameron every now and then. We watched movies and played video games all day, every day. It was nice having someone there with me, based on the fact that even though I was just not allowed to do big things, my mom didn’t want me to leave the house at all for the full two weeks. It became a routine, we would wake up in the morning and Nash would get me something to eat, I would move my resting spot to the couch in the living room, and we would either watch a movie or play a game. I had become the champion at Mario Kart, even though Nash will never admit that I beat him multiple times and it was just an all around great two weeks.

But, today was the day. Today I could finally get my cast off and be free from my house. I woke up before Nash, so I got up and walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room and after taking my clothes off, I slip on the cast-protector we had gotten at the beginning so I could take a shower and not get my cast wet. I quickly take a shower and begin to get ready for the day ahead of me. I throw on my oversized light sweater and a pair of my yoga pants along with my mint green converse. I dry my hair and apply light makeup and by this time, Nash is awake now and beginning to get dressed.

“So, today’s the big day. What are we going to do after you get it off?!” Nash says as he adjusts his red button-up shirt collar while looking in the mirror on my wall.

“I don’t know, but I feel like we should get Matt and Tori and do something crazy. I mean, both of us haven’t really been out for the past two weeks except for the occasional trip to the hospital or to the pharmacy to pick up more medicine. Let’s be our old selves, spontaneous road trip!” I say, getting more excited as I thought about what we could do for fun. Nash just smiles and we make our way out to the cars. He drives his car seperate from my mom and I so that we can leave right from the hospital and head to Tori’s.

The appointment goes well and I walk out of the hospital a few hours later with no cast on my arm and I honestly feel like a whole new person. I say goodbye to my mom and jump in Nash’s passenger seat and we make our way out of the parking lot.

“You know, I feel like a whole new person, Nash. It’s probably because I haven’t been able to be out of the house for a whole two weeks but I’m just ready to be spontaneous and have fun!” I almost squeal from excitement.

Nash reaches over across the middle counsel and grabs my hand in his and with a squeeze, I intertwine my fingers with his and smile contently on our way out to Tori’s.



“Abbi, you look so good without that bulky thing on your arm!” Tori screams as we step out of the car and she pulls me inside, Nash following behind. We walk into her house and sit on the big couch lining her living room wall. I sit down next to Matt, who was lounging with his feet propped up on the table, amused with something on his phone screen.

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