Chapter 59

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I’d like to be able to say that things got less awkward during the next week, with the whole Matt thing but it really hasn't. To say he’s been acting like a jerk would be an understatement, it was almost getting to the point where I could barely stand to be around him anymore. Tori had became quieter, just being in the same house as the pair was the most awkward thing ever. All I know is that something had to be said to Tori because I can’t stand seeing her like this anymore.

Almost as if on que, the front door opened and Matt walked in from being gone all day, he takes a seat on the chair across the room from me, not looking up from his phone for even one second.

I had been sitting on the couch watching random movies for the past few hours, Nash and Tori had gone to sleep after we had been doing our monthly deep cleaning of the house, taking all the energy out of them so they basically crashed as soon as we were done cleaning.

I shut the tv off, the only light now was the one right in between us on the end table, “So, you missed cleaning day today.” I cross my arms across my chest, staring at him.

“Mm..yeah..” Matt nods his head as he still doesn’t make any type of eye contact with me.

“Matt, we have to talk.” I say, completely concentrating on his non-moving facial expression through the dark.

“Mmm...sure.” He mumbles once again, staring down at his phone.

“Alright, enough of this shit.” I get up from the couch and grab his phone out of his hand, sticking it into my back pocket before sitting back down on my spot on the couch. “Listen to me when I say this, Matthew. I know about everything, about your plans to leave.” I start, speaking even louder when he attempted to speak over me or stop me from continuing to speak, “And I don’t know what your master plan was, Matt...but all I know is you can’t just drop everything and leave. You can’t do that to her. I won’t let you.” I take a deep breath before finally stopping my little rant and letting him have a chance to speak.

The room fills with silence as we basically have a stare-down in the middle of our living room. “What the hell do you want me to say, Abbi? That I’m not leaving? Because I am.” Matt snaps back at me, causing me to blow up in even more anger.

“Tell me, Matt. Honestly, were you planning on just packing your bags, leaving, and THEN sending us all texts saying you left?”

“You know what, Abbi. You need to stay out of my damn business, this is my life and I can live it how I choose. So back off.” Matt even scoots forward in his chair even more, almost standing up in his yelling fit directed towards me.

I stand up, dropping his phone in his lap before saying my last words and backing up towards the stairs behind me, “I’m so disgusted in  you right now I can really only say one thing to end this..If you don’t tell her soon, I won’t hesitate to.” And with that, I turn around and walk up the stairs to my room, collapsing on my bed and falling asleep in the worst mood I have been in for awhile.


Tori's POV:


"Does this look okay?" I slowly spin around in circles as I stand in front of the mirror in Abbi's room while she lays on her back on her bed, doing anything else but paying attention to me at the moment.

"You look fine, for the tenth time." She groans from her place, now craning her neck to see my dress once again.

I don't know why I was so nervous for this concert tonight, maybe because Matt and I have been on the rocks lately and I felt like this would be the perfect time to make this right again between us. I don't know why he had such a sudden change in attitude, but he's been home so little the past few weeks that I haven't really had a chance to talk to him about it.

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