Chapter 26

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After a while, Tori and I decide to go to the bathroom and check out our hair and makeup situations, since it had been awhile since we last had. We made our way out into the lobby where merch was being sold and fans were relaxing. Girls were spread out around the floor charging their phones with the few outlets that were around the walls. We saw Chad standing near the bathroom, taking pictures with some girls from the event. We went into the bathroom and fixed our hair up and when we came back out there was even a bigger crowd around Chad.

A group of girls, closest to us, turned around and their eyes immediately got bigger. "Tori, Abbi, can we have a picture with you?!" The one girl asked, motioning to her and her friends. We agreed, of course, and began to take pictures with each of the girls. Once we were done taking pictures with them, we turn around to go back into the event room and my eyes immediately narrow as I stare into the eyes of the same girl who was just all over Nash inside. She sneers towards me and puts her hands on her hips, "Just letting you know, I don't appreciate you giving me those nasty looks. oh AND..Nash is mine. So you can stop pretending like he likes you because I know how to please a man. Something YOU can't do. So just leave us alone, mmmkay?"

I half cough and laugh at the same time as Tori speaks up from behind me, "You..." She says pointing her index finger at the girl standing in front of us, "need to get your facts straight. Because I'm pretty sure we have BOTH known Nash longer than you've even been alive. What are you like...13? Yeah, nice try. Plus, Nash doesn't like girls who are as stuck up as you. So YOU can back off and leave US alone."

Tori defends me and I swear her face is turning even redder by the minute. The girl stares at us for a few minutes, thinking of something to say back to us, "Well, nash told me to meet him in his room later AND he gave me a key. So if that's not saying he's interested in me, then I don't know what is." She says, waving a hotel key in our faces, a bragging smile painted across her face.

"That's the biggest lie you've told all night," I begin, laughing, "because I'm rooming with Nash. So unless he wants you over with me in the room too, you're full of crap." Next thing I know she is lunging toward me, full force, with her hands in tight fists and she grabs a handful of my hair and pulls at it, sending a searing pain through my head. Tori reaches for her from behind and pulls her off of me, throwing her back. She lands on the floor behind us and we both scowl at her as she begins to stand up again.

"GIRLS." We hear a booming, deep voice yell from behind us.

I turn around to see Chad standing there, grabbing my arm gently and pushing me behind him. He looks over at Tori and the girl on the floor. He gives Tori that 'are you serious right now?' look and moves over to the girl. "I'm going to have to ask you," he says pointing to the girl as he says this, " to leave. Thank you for coming, goodbye!" He hands her off to a security guard as she begins kicking and screaming obscenities to us as she is being pulled away.

We explain to Chad what had happened and he nods his head in understanding and just leads us back into the main event room.

As soon as we made our way behind the gates Nash immediately ran up to me, "I've been hearing different things about what just happened, but first are you alright?" He asks me, his hands on either side of my face as he makes me look straight at him. I nod to let him know I'm fine and then begin to tell him what happened and what the girl looked like and what she had said to me.

"Ohhhhh, Alexa? Yeah...she's always a problem, every flipping Magcon. She thinks all of us are in love with her but we really aren't. We all hate her. She's a bi-" he begins but is interrupted by Bart telling at him to come back to his spot so he could get the rest of the fans through the line so the event could end.

Once Magcon was coming to a close, all of the boys made their way on stage, Jacob once again managing to drag me along with him as he ran past, and they waved and yelled thank-you's and blew kisses into the audience. All of the girls started to exit as did we, but through the back doors.

As everyone else was making their plans for the rest of the night, Nash pulled me to the side and said, "Hey, let's go for a walk and talk about stuff. We can meet up with everyone later, sound good?" He asks me.

I nod my head and quickly turn to Tori and she just smiles and tells me to have fun. Why would I have fun? Does she know something I don't know because...

I follow Nash out of the hotel and we begin walking down the sidewalk outside of the hotel, beside the busy streets of downtown Chicago. As we are walking, we come across a small garden-area with a walking path, lit by lights hanging from tall green poles.

We stop in the middle of the path, near a big fountain that was streaming water out in fancy looking designs. We sat down next to each other on a bench that was facing the fountain and I turn my body so I am completely facing towards Nash, him just having to turn his head to the side to look at me.

“So….are we going to talk about what happened?” I break the silence.

“Talk about what? Last night slash this morning?” he questions and I just nod my head, “What is there to talk about? How you completely stole all the blankets and I was freezing my butt off the entire night?”

I gasp at his assumptions, “I did not!” I say, smacking his knee lightly as I shout.

“Yeah, I was so cold! That’s why when you got out of bed this morning, I asked you to come back because you know...body warmth is the best to warm you up when two people are together. You taught me that! From your stupid anaaaaaaaaatomy class.” he drags out the word anatomy because I am constantly teaching him what I learn about the human body, I find it so I guess I feel like my best friend should too.

“Wait….so you ACTUALLY listened to something I said?” I asked, pretending to be shocked.

“Very funny, ab. But also very true...But actually, I really don’t want to talk about the way you hog all the blankets and it makes me really cold when you sleep. Because in all honesty, I don’t care that you do that. I actually think its adorable.” Nash says as he looks me in the eyes.

“Wait, you think it’s adorable….that I steal all the blankets and make you freezing cold in the middle of the night? Oh..” I say, shocked.

“No, what I meant is...I don’t care about that small little detail that may frustrate me a little bit.. I just liked being next to you all night and that outweighed the negative...I just enjoyed...I don’t know..just having you there with me.” He says while shrugging his shoulders.

I am taken off guard from his sudden honesty and my mouth goes completely dry. I have no idea what to even say to this, my heart is about ready to jump out of my chest.

“I’s okay if you didn’t feel the same. I just thought you should know how I fe-” Nash begins but I interrupt him before he can continue.

“Nash, you didn’t even give me a chance to answer. I will tell you how I feel about the situation...I mean I have been thinking about it all day, I felt like it was absolutely perfect when I fell asleep in your arms, like I had no worries in the world. I like being around you, Nash. It makes me feel safe...and just, happy because I know you will never hurt me.” I smile as I think about my feelings towards Nash and a smile plays on his lips also.

“So does this mean…” Nash begins to question.

“I don’t know what it means, honestly Nash.. but I am really starting to like you, and us together, that’s one thing I’m absolutely positive of.” I begin to blush as I look down towards my hand, still resting on Nash’s knee.

Silence is surrounding us right now, the only sound being the rushing water coming from the fountain..Maybe he doesn’t feel the same..maybe he doesn’t like me...maybe-

Nash interrupts my thoughts by placing his left hand under my chin, bringing my head up to look him in the eyes. His tongue slowly glides over his lips for a split second before he leans his head in towards mine. I close my eyes slowly and do the same, until….my phone begins to ring. Loudly and obnoxiously, making me jump up fast and open my eyes only to meet Nash’s bright blue ones.

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