Chapter 58

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"Torr, you look really cute but you know it's like freezing outside..right?" I asked Tori as I sat on the couch upstairs outside of my room, slipping on my all black converse.
She had walked out in just black jeans and a black cropped baggy tank top that had some cute quote on it with flowers all over it.
"Shit, I forgot that it still gets cold in LA." She groaned before she turned around and practically stomped back towards my bathroom since it was closer.
"Nash, I'm stealing one of your flannels!" I heard her yell from my room, laughing as I grabbed my purse from the coffee table before descending the stairs.
"Um isn't that something like my girlfriend should do, not my annoying roommate?" Nash made a face in the general direction of Tori's voice, emphasizing the 'girlfriend', as I came down the stairs.
"I mean, I'm wearing Matt's shirt right now so I guess it fits the situation." I shrug my shoulders and take another drink of my orange juice he'd set out for me, knowing how much I loved to drink orange juice in the mornings. When Nash sends me a questionable glance, I grab the flannel I had thrown over my outfit in my hand and hold it up in his view.
"I duncur, nesh. I juslike woorshitberrer." Tori speaks through her mouthful of food she had just shoved down her throat as she comes down the stairs now wearing his red and black flannel over top of her outfit.
"Wow man, how do you EVER get over how cute she is?" Nash sarcastically smacks Matt on the back, his head snapping up revealing his matching full mouth too, as he shrugs his shoulders.
“Wow, I don’t know anyone could even scientifically create a couple as perfect as you two are for each other.” I laugh.

I look over to Matt just as he is awkwardly pulling his phone out of his pocket, just catching the last second of the sarcastic smile he had on his face. “Aww! We know, don’t we Matty?” Tori ran over to him, jumping on his back and pinching his cheeks.

Matt immediately put his phone in his pocket again as he shrugs Tori off his back and walks out of the room without another word being said.

“Well, damn.” I say as I sit down on the large couch that wrapped around our living room, sitting cross legged and grab the TV remote as I resume playing the latest episode of Vampire Diaries, Tori rolling her eyes as if Matt’s behavior was something she was used to lately, following suit and sitting down next to me as she scrolled through her phone.
We must have been really into whatever we were doing for a little while, because the next time I look at the clock, two hours had passed.
I get up off the couch and go to the bathroom, on my way searching every room for any sight of the boys. After not finding them anywhere in the house, I go back out to the living room where it looked like Tori hadn't even noticed I had left.
"Where did the guys go?" I kick Tori a little bit with my foot, snapping her out of her daze as she read something on her phone.
"What do you want?! Zayn was just about to tell Tessa that Harry cheated on her last night at the party!"  She groans, looking up from her phone with an annoyed look on her face.
"Getting that into fan fictions is really unhealthy, just saying. But where did the guys go? Did they say anything about leaving that I didn't hear?" I ask, her looking around the room in confusion.
"They were just..." She starts but stops once she realizes they weren't where they had just been.
"Yeah, they aren't here.." I say and she immediately grabs her phone from where she had set it down beside her, sliding her finger around before holding it up to her ear.
After calling Matt what seemed to be hundreds of times, she finally got angry enough that she put her phone down in defeat.
"They never said anything about leaving or having any plans today, did they?" She looks at me for an answer.
"Nope, I guess we just sit here and wait then. They are big kids, they can handle themselves" I shrug my shoulders and sitting back down on the couch while throwing a blanket over my legs.
We sat there for another hour before we heard the sound of the front door opening and the muffled voices of the boys from behind us. Tori sat up and looked towards the hallway that the door was at the end of and immediately narrowed her eyes in their direction.
I stand up off the couch and walk into Nash's arms as he stood in front of me, a welcoming smile on his face and he wraps his arms around me mumbling something about missing me today in my hair.
I see Tori standing up too out of the corner of my eyes after seeing our embrace and walking over to Matt, slightly extending her arms in his direction before he completely dodges her arms and starts raising his voice in an annoyed tone.
"Why did you have to call me so many times? I was in the middle of something important and it was actually really annoying. Like damn, I get it you wanted me to answer but you got the point across after the first five calls.." He rolls his eyes as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and groans at all the notifications on his screen.
"I..I just wanted to know where you were, we didn't know any-" Tori started, her voice lowering to almost a whisper as he cut her off again.
"Well, maybe you need to back off a little bit. I can do things by myself sometimes I don't always need you holding my hand." And with that, he stormed off into their room, slamming the door behind him and leaving the three of us with our mouths wide open, in shock at what had just happened.
After we stood in silence for a few more seconds, Nash started obviously searching his own mind for excuses for his best friends wild behavior.
" was just..he's stressed because..uh...let me just go see what's happening...?" He looked at me as he finished his last sentence, searching my face for what he should do next until I finally pushed him over towards the shut door of the bedroom Matt had just burrowed himself in.
Tori and I both sat back down on the couch, not really saying anything to each other but sitting in silence.
"I..I just wanted to know where they were. I wasn't trying to be annoying, I swear." Tori looks over at me, confusion evident in her features.
"It's okay, Tori. I don't understand why he freaked out either, I just...Nash will figure everything out, okay?" I scoot closer to her on the couch, wrapping my arms around her in a hug.

After awhile, Nash comes out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind him as he walked over to where we were still sitting on the couch. He put a fake smile on his face before he over enthusiastically clapped his hands together before asking, "So, who wants to go with me to Taylor's new house?!"

Tori and I both look at each other and shrug our shoulders, basically in unison, confirming that we would go with him. Tori stands up, searching for something, probably her purse, and when she was distracted looking for whatever it was, I felt Nash nudge my shoulder. I looked up at him to see him pointing with his head to the stairs, his eyes widening as if he was trying to tell me something.

I assumed he needed to talk to me in the privacy of our room, so I quickly reached my hands in his pocket and grabbed his car keys. "Hey Tori, why don't you go wait in the car for us..we just have to go get something really quick..." I say basically throwing the keys to Tori before grabbing onto Nash's shirt and pulling him behind me to the stairs.

Once we get in our room, Nash shuts the door and turns towards me, sitting down on the bed and pulling me down next to him.

"So, what the hell was that all about?" I scoot closer to him, placing my hands on his knees as he sits cross-legged in front of me.

"Well, okay. Brace yourself though, this is so crazy." He began, taking a big breath before finishing what he was about to say, "Okay well you know how Cameron has been talking about this movie that he's getting cast in and he like won’t shut up about it?" He asks me and I nod my head, almost rolling my eyes at the thought of it. Cameron apparently had been cast in some new movie that was based in New York City and he was like the lead role, he was leaving sometime within the next month and he was overly excited all the time about it. "Well, Matt got a call from his manager last week and they want him to be in it, too. So, Matt has been on edge recently because he basically knows he's going to take the offer 100%. And he also told me that he's been contemplating how to deal with Tori. He doesn't want a long distance relationship with her and they told him he would be filming this movie in both New York and some parts of Canada for a little over a year. So, we wouldn't see him for a year, that's the crazy thing.." Nash basically blurts all the information his best friend had just confided in him to me, looking more defeated the more words came out of his mouth.

"Holy shit, Nash...what are we going to do?" I ask him, thinking of just how crazy this whole situation that we just got put in really was.

"I don't know..I just...I don't want to lose him, I mean we've known each other for so long and now I feel like if him and Tori break up that it will put us all in an awkward position and then you and I would-" I place my hand over his mouth before he can speak any more.

"You and I will nothing, Nash. WE will be perfectly fine, I can promise you that. But as for Tori, I don't know how she's going to take he going to tell her? He has to soon, don't they leave in like a few weeks?" I remove my hand from his mouth so he can answer me.

“He said he leaves sometime within the next month, so I’m not sure. But we need to keep our mouths shut about it, it’s not our news to break to her..” Nash shrugs his shoulders as he runs his hand across his face almost in frustration.

“Tori is probably wondering what’s taking us so long, we should get out there before her curiosity gets the best of her.” I try to lighten up the mood as I jump up off the bed, pulling Nash with me.


Buckle your seatbelts, guys...Here comes the drama! (;

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