Chapter 52

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“Okaaaaay and open the dooooorrrr, wallah!” Tori sang as she used the rental key to open the door to the third house we had looked at today, a three story, pale yellow house with white shutters. Since we were looking for houses in Los Angeles, most of the relators were either really expensive or already booked, so we made a deal with one of the realiting companies and they gave us a key that worked for all 34 houses they had for sale within our price range. The four of us had spent a majority of the past week looking in house after house, not seeming to immediately fall in love with one, yet.

This house was different, as Tori opened the door, the rest of us following, we are immediately greeted with a gorgeous tiled entrance way with a gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling above us. There was a descending staircase on either side of the large room, leading to the second floor where there was a large painting hung in the middle of the hallway. Most of the houses we had looked at would come completely furnished with everything that was in it when we looked.

“Holy shit, this is freaking fancy..” Matt gasped, his head turning in all different directions

I’m pretty sure we were all pretty much blown away at the sight of the opening room that we had completely forgotten that there was the rest of the house to explore, still.

Tori and I split off from the boys as they headed upstairs and we stayed on the first level to look at the rest of the rooms. We round the corner to the left and see a huge white-wood dining room table, counting the chairs seeing that there were twelve. “Dude, I don’t think we even have that many friends, let’s be serious..” I said to Tori as we continued walking.

The kitchen was really fancy, too. The granite countertops shining in the sunshine, almost bright enough to make us want to put our sunglasses on. We slowly examined every nook and cranny in the house before we hear Nash scream, “GUYS! COME HERE, NOW!” Tori and I exchanged glances before walking over to the staircase and looking around for the boys on the second floor. We finally found them, Nash standing in the hallway in front of a closed door with a metal handle. Judging by the way Nash was trying to hold in his laughter and not having sight of Matt, I could only guess what was going to be behind that door.

Nash steps back and points both of his hands to the door handle, hinting at me to open the door and when I do, I gasp at the sight, Tori doing the same. The room was all black with hints of red everywhere, there were metal studs meant to bind the fuzzy fabric of the wallpaper together every few inches and there were large metal hooks all over the wall across from the door. On the hooks hung long leather straps with tassels on the end, a mixture of lengths and thicknesses. My eyes widen as I land on the large bed that was in the corner of the room, long black drapes hanging from the edges of the bed.

“Come and get it, baby.” Matt seductively purred from the bed. I look over at him, shooting him a disgusted look as I take in the sight of him and can’t help but burst out into laughter so hard that I actually have to take a seat on the ground to stop myself from falling over. Matt was spread-eagle on the large black bed with his hands tied in handcuffs that were connected by long chains to the bottom of the bed, and his feet the same.

I hurry up and get my phone out before anyone can move and snap a picture of Matt on the bed, immediately posting it to twitter with the caption ‘house searching and I’m pretty sure we just discovered where ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ was filmed. Send help.’ I type a few emoji’s in and attach the picture, tweeting it out to the world.

“We have to get out of here,” I say while I regain myself and stand up, grabbing Nash’s hand and pulling him down the stairs.

“Same, let’s go.” Tori pulls Matt off the bed and follows me with him in her grasp.

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