Chapter 17

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Abbi POV

Tori and I get out and start to walk around the small town we are in. Soon enough, my phone starts to vibrate in my hand. I look at the battery, and it is literally on 7%. I answer the phone, “Hello?”

“ABBI, holy crap. Are you okay? What’s going on. I haven’t seen you for like 2 hours and I am so worried and-”

Nash begins to freak out before I interrupt him, “NashNashNash, I’m fine. Stop freaking out and let me explain what happened!”

I can hear his breathing slow down as he became slightly calm, but I was still able to hear him breathing into the reciever. “Okay well Bart basically freaked out on Tori and I for what happened last night and told us to leave but we didnt actually leave, but we have no idea where we are right now and my phones about t-”

I was once again, cut off by Nash as he screams into the phone, “BART DID WHAT? Why would he even...oh my god...why does he think he has the right to...I...I’m going to talk to him. I’ll get this all figured out and call you back soon.” He hangs up the phone before I have the chance to explain to him that my phone is about to die and that we are lost in a suburb of Chicago currently without a charger for it.

I sigh as I take the phone away from my ear. As if it heard me just talking about it, my phone dies in my hand. Awesome, this is just great. Now what do I do? “Tori, let me use your phone..”

I reach my hand out waiting for her to let me use her phone but instead of handing it to me, she crosses her arms across her chest “You know what, it’s been 3 hours since we left that hotel and you know who hasn’t called me? Matt. Matt doesn’t even CARE that I’m gone...and Nash is calling you FREAKING out and you aren’t even his girlfriend. You know what, no. No Abbi you cannot use my phone. If he wants us gone, then good luck trying to get ahold of’re not using my phone. Matt can suffer.” She rants as she continues walking down the street.

Okay then, I need to find an apple store. I need to get a new charger for my phone or we will be lost out here for god knows how long while Tori throws a fit about boyfriend not calling her.

Nash's POV

I am so livid right now I can’t even see straight. Why the hell would Bart think it’s okay to kick MY- I mean Abbi, out of the hotel. Last night was just as much our fault as it was the girls’. I begin to make my way down the hall from my room to the elevator and I bump into my dad. “Son, why are you so red? What happened?”

I look up at my dad and can’t even form words because of my anger for Bart and I begin to push past him but he stops me, “Nash, is this about what happend with the girls? Because I know all about it, Bart informed all of us parents…” He says to me and I immediately calm down just a tiny bit, enough to form actual words.

“Yes, yes it is. Now let me go and give him a little piece of my mind please.” I say through my clenched teeth, trying to weave my way through his arms which are now on my shoulders.

“Son, listen. I agree with you completely. He had no right to kick those two girls out, but he did. And what matters now is how we are going to fix this. First off, have you talked to Abbi?”

I nod my head yes, “Okay, did you find out where she is so we can go and get her?”

This is the second time in the past hour that I honestly want to smack myself across the face for how dumb I am sometimes. “CRAP, no I didn’t even ask. She just told me what Bart did and I was so mad that I just kinda hung up and went to yell at him.”

He just ran his hand through his hair, a trait I’d inhabited from him when we are stressed, “Nash, call her back right now and ask where she’s at.”

I take out my phone and go to my recent calls and click on Abbi’s name in my phone. I put it up to my ear and it goes straight to voicemail, “Well, that’s weird. She forwarded my call. Hold on..” I say as I click her name again, voicemail. Again, voicemail.

I continue this until Chad finally sighs and says, “Son, maybe her phone is dead. Stop freaking out. Is Tori with her?” I nod my head and he holds his hand out for me to give him my phone because I am a mixture of mad and scared right now, too much to even handle talking to Tori. He takes my phone and clicks a few buttons and then lifts it up to his ear.

Abbi’s POV

As we are walking around trying to find some type of store I can buy a charger at, like we have been doing for the past hour or so, Tori’s phone starts to vibrate. She doesn’t even flinch, “Arent you going to answer that? Or at least give it to me so that I can get us help.”

She takes her phone out of her pocket and glances at the screen, “OH look who it is, good old Nash Grier. I bet he’s with Matt. I bet this is Matt calling trying to get ahold of me. I don’t want to talk to Matt, I dont want you to talk to Matt, no one is talking to Matt.” She huffs as she presses ignore.

“Well, whoever it is is calling again so you might want to answer it.”

She groans and slides her finger across the answer button on her slightly cracked screen, “Hi Matt, I know this is you and you know what? I don’t even want to talk to you. So stop calling me, and maybe once you REALIZE that I’m missing, I will talk to you. Bye, asshole.” She hangs up the phone and puts it back in her pocket just as we approach a CVS store. We walk inside and begin our search for an iphone cord…

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz