Chapter 61

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“Let’s go check out those little shops and stuff outside,” Shawn suggested once we were all done eating and had been sitting at the table for awhile, probably annoying everyone else in the restaurant by now.

We all look at each other and mutually agree that it was a good idea, I mean it was something to do since we couldn’t really go too far and their soundcheck was probably in a few hours. Once we get to the door though, I immediately regret my input on leaving the building, it was completely surrounded by mobs of teenage girls that were now starting to actually line up for the concert.

Each of the boys starts to grab onto us three girls, preparing to just push through them and get to where we wanted to go..Shawn takes both of Madison’s hands as he pulls her safely in front of him, his arms around her, and surprisingly when I glance at Tori, she is letting Connor grab onto her as they make their way towards the door. I start to turn and look for Nash until Brad turns around in front of me, reaching his hand out towards me, “Here, Abbi. Grab my hand, stay behind me and keep your head down..” He grabs my hand without any other thought being said out loud, pulling me closer to his back.

“I..I got her, man. Thanks though.” Nash comes up from the side, his hand pulling mine out of Brad’s, bringing me closer to him and leaving Brad shrugging his shoulders and grabbing Tristan’s hand instead.


Tori’s POV

We all stood there for another few seconds, debating on what would be the best way to get outside and through all the fans. I guess it never really hit me just how fast these boys had became famous, I mean they're an opening act for Austin Mahone. It made me really happy that they were in town though, and that Abbi had suprised me by bringing me to one of their shows. To be honest, the whole time we were eating and just laughing at whatever the boys said, everything but happy thoughts had completely left my mind and it felt good to be somewhat happy again.

"Boys, you do realize that you only have about an hour until your soundcheck right?" a large man, I'm assuming their security, stepped out from behind the door causing James to look down at his watch in confusion.

"Damn, I didn't know we spent that much time eating. I guess you're right..." James responded to the man and we all slowly migrated in a different direction, following the same man backstage into what must have been their dressing room.

The room had one single couch in the middle of it and within seconds Abbi, Tristan, James, and Madison had filled it up completely, almost sitting on top of each other. It’s then, when everyone’s vision shifts towards Connor and I, I realise we are still holding on to each other like we are about to brace the crowd outside. I quickly let go of him and feel my face light up as  I lift myself up onto the table of the vanity that was behind me and Connor sits down in a chair near me.

I shift my attention and watch as Brad climbs on Abbi's lap, his arms finding their way around her neck as he lays his head on her shoulder, his mouth dangerously close to her neck. I can feel my own cheeks turn red as I then glance at Nash, the look on his face of pure anger as he struggled to keep his hands out of fists.

"Hm, what do we do now?" Brad mumbles as he keeps his eyes closed on Abbi's neck.

"Well we can start with this," Nash finally cracks and I completely hold my breath as he walks over to where Abbi is sitting and sits on the arm of the couch right next to her, using both of his hands as a makeshift barrier to place in between Brad and Abbi, pushing him to the side as he placed his legs in her lap, taking the place of Brad almost  immediately. This was about to be a long few weeks if Nash didn’t get over how close and 'touchy' Brad and Abbi  almost always were when they were around each other..

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