Chapter 62

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Since it was a standing venue, there were no seats really out in the pit in front of the stage so Nash and I went to go find some chairs backstage and ended up finding a few bean bag chairs instead. We threw them off of the stage to Tori and Madison before we jumped off the stage ourselves while the boys were in the middle of rehearsing one of their songs.
Tori and Madison refused to give up their bean bags, leaving only one left and Nash lightly pushed me out of the way before he ran over and took it himself, sticking his tongue out at me as he got comfortable. I roll my eyes at him as I walk over and take a seat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck as I place a big, dramatic kiss on his cheek.
"Aye! This one is dedicated to our favorite two lovebirds out there, you know who you are." Brad begins his next song with a quick wink to his 'audience' as him and the boys start singing Wild Heart.
We all sing along and act like complete fangirls as they finish going through their set, and by all of us I mean Tori, Madison and I while Nash pretended not to be interested in anything going on around him as he did other things on his phone. I actually caught him tapping his foot or nodding his head to the music a few times, but when I brought it up he stopped and acted like he never did anything. Before we knew it, the security guard walked up behind us, warning us that they are about to start letting select fans inside for Austin's VIP soundcheck.

"I completely forgot Austin was the headliner of this tour..oops." Madison inhaled a sharp breath as she grabbed Tristan's hand and jumped up onto the stage.

"How could you forget that?!" I gasp and hold a hand over my chest in fake horror that she could forget just a fact. But in reality, I really was shocked that she could forget Austin freaking Mahone, I've had the biggest obsession with him ever since he became popular, I mean who could blame me?

"Well sorry I'm not a fangirl like you and Tori, dang." Madison defends herself, Brad hearing her and turning around with a smirk on his face.

"You want to meet him? He's a pretty cool lad, actually.." Brad offered me his hand as he helped me up on the stage so we could quickly get backstage before girls started to flood in.

"I mean...sure, I guess we should probably know each other since we are friends and all..." I try and play it off as if I didn't really care if I met him or not when in reality I was DYING to meet him.

“He should be coming out any second, let’s just wait around for a few.” Brad said as we all made our way behind the curtains, mumbled voices were now able to be heard as the girls started coming into the venue.

"Well, I mean lets just go back to the dressing room so we can chill before the sense in waiting out here for the guy." Nash grabbed my hand to pull me in the opposite direction, away from Brad and the stage.

" it's chill, it's chill. He should be out here any second. Let's just wait and let the girls meet him." Brad's voice stopped Nash in his tracks and he turned around with an almost silent sigh that I could barely make out.

We stand around awkwardly for another few minutes until I hear a quiet buzzing noise from behind where Nash and I were standing. I turn around to find out where the annoying noise was coming from only to have my breath taken away as I see the one and only Austin Mahone cruising towards us on his segway. I try and take deep breaths as he gets closer, greeting Brad when he was a safe distance away, so I wouldn’t turn red and look like a complete fangirl.

“Hi, mate.” Brad said while taking Austin in for a hug as he bent down from his segway, “Hey, I’d like you to meet some of my friends..” Brad extended his hand to us, introducing each of us as Austin smiled and nodded his head.

Brad looked across and made eye contact with me, laughing, most likely at my face being bright red and he sends me a quick smile before turning to Austin, “Hey, man..we should all take a picture!” and then he whispers something else in his ear and they both turn to make eye contact with me, making me blush even more.

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