Chapter 66

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Waking up with two arms wrapped around me was not as appealing as it may sound, considering I'm stuck between the two hardest sleepers on the face of the earth. After doing literally everything but calling out for help, I manage to slide out from between both Brad and Nash, looking down at them after I got out and seeing their hands were still linked, quite tightly.
The rest of the boys seemed to be in a big disorganized clump in the middle of the floor, still completely passed out from last night. Sammy stood above them, rubbing his hands together as if he was coming up with some master plan to wake them up.
"Sammy, I don't think it's a good idea t-" I try to stop him from making a big mistake and pissing them all off before the day even began, but I was too late and he had already started maneuvering his way in between them all, screaming. I step back, into the corner, staying completely away from the whole situation so I wasn't blamed for it later.
"Bloody hell!" Is within the multiple obscenities I hear screamed in my direction, coming from James, who was now standing up and getting in Sammy's face. "What was that for?! You didn't need to bloody hit me, you little wanker!" He starts to push his chest against Sammy's, while Sammy just laughed until he is backed up against the wall and his face turns to terror as James raises his fist in the air.
"Hey, hey hey! Stop. It." I throw my open hand in between the two, James' fist colliding with it, barely moving my hand but an inch. "Really? That's honestly how hard you were going to hit him?" I look at James and start to laugh, immediately regretting my decision of stepping in when I did.
"I'm sorry, it's just he didn't have to hit me over the head! What did you even hit me with?! A bloody brick?!" James starts to calm down slowly as he backs up onto a bed and takes a seat.
"Dude...I barely tapped you, and it was with my hand?" Sammy moves across the room and takes a seat next to him as James puts his head in his hands as he leans over.
"I'm sorry, mate. I'm just so hungover right now..Damn."
"What? What's happening?!" Shawn groans from his spot across the room, rubbing his eyes as he jumps out of bed, trying to assess the situation.
"Shawn. You're not a damn police officer, go back to bed." Tori rolls over in her sleep and throws her middle finger up in the air in Shawn's direction as she turns back over.
Just then we all heard a loud thump and all of our heads turned to see Johnson falling onto the floor, underneath of a clump of blankets that were once wrapped around his body.

"Dammit Tori, that's like the sixth time! I...I give up." Johnson stood up and walked over towards where Nash and Brad still held hands, crawling underneath their intertwined hands and laying in between them.

"Well, now that everyone's NOT up..." Madison threw herself back down in the chair in the corner of the room.

"Hey, maybe you guys could make yourself USEFUL and go get us some donuts or something, since you don't want to be quiet.." Tori sat back up in the bed and looked around the room where I swear no one budged for a solid minute.
"Fine..I guess we'll go get something. But when we get back..." Madison started to get her shoes on and head towards the door.
"You guys better be up!" Shawn finished her sentence, sending a wink in her direction as he opens the door for her.
"Yeah, and we mean it!" Tristan jumps up from the floor and nods in Shawn's direction as he walks out the door before him, without even grabbing his shoes first.
"Shawn.." I grab his attention before he leaves and point to Tristan's shoes that were still laying in front of him on the floor. Shawn doesn't say anything as he rolls his eyes and bends over to pick up his shoes before he leaves out the door.
After we all overcame our horrible hangovers, Nash, Tori, The Vamps, Shawn, Cameron and I headed back towards the house to let the responsible college students get back to their lives there, without us as a distraction anymore.

The rest of the week and the next few weeks were a complete blur as Nash worked on some business stuff and wasn't around that often. The Vamps and Shawn spent the first week basically using our house as a pit stop between different interviews and studio work things, everything finally ending with a very sad goodbye full of promises to visit soon and a few tears shed.

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