Chapter 39

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As soon as we finish dinner we decide to head back home. This time Tori and I sit in the back seat while the boys sit up front.

"Oh my god, Abbi. We haven't hung out with the whole crew for so long." Tori says as she picks at her long fake fingernails she still had on from prom.

"Ugh, so true. I miss everyone. This week def needs to be catch up week with everyone. We should go to Alax's when we get back in town and chill there, because she's been texting me all day." I suggest.

"Me too?!" Nash jumps in our conversation.

Knowing he'd probably end up over there one way or another I just agreed and decided to let him tag along.

Once we get back into town. We pull up to one of our best friend's Alax's two-story yellow house with brown shutters. All of us get out and just walk into her house without knocking. It's just our kind of friendship.

She's sitting on the couch with a bowl of chips in her lap, typical Alax. She jumps up when she sees us and immediately runs over and hugs all of us.

"Oh my god, I missed you guys SO MUCH. We haven't been together in so long it seems like." She says in between hugs.

Matt sits down on her couch, where she was sitting before, and begins eating the rest of the chips she left behind. Soon enough we are all lounging around her living room watching tv and catching up on our lives when my phone starts ringing. I have no idea who would be calling me at 10:00 at night so I'm confused as I pick up my phone and look at it. Oh, it's just Taylor face timing me. I answer and wait for it to connect and in a few seconds, his face is on my screen.

"Hey, Tay. What's up?" I say, angling the camera towards my face.

"TAYTAY BENNACOFF?" I hear Alax scream from the other side of the room.

Now, Alax can be somewhat of a blonde sometimes, even though she has dark brown hair. So, a long time ago when I was showing her pictures of all the boys in magcon she made up nicknames for all of them. And Taylor's was Taytay bennacoff. No one knows why or how she came up with that name, but it just stuck. And she maaaay have a tiny bit of a fangirl problem when it comes to him.

"TAYTAY BENNACOFF! TAYTAY BENNACOFF! TAYTAY BENNACOFF!" She starts to jump up and down in front of me after I confirm that it is Taylor on the other side of the line.

"Umm Abbi...?" Taylor asks, a confused look on his face as he begins to actually back away from the camera.

"Sorry Tay, this is Alax.." I say as I point te camera towards her, "she has nicknames for all of the boys and that just happens to be yours. She's really not crazy, I promise."

"Yes. She is." Matt and Nash groan in unison as Alax goes back over to the couch they were on and lays across both of their laps.

"AM NOT!" She argues as she wiggles around.

"well, anyways..." I say to Taylor as I walk into the other room, "sorry about that."

"Nah, it's good. I'm glad to see you're up and happy again. It killed me to see you all depressed and on house lock the past couple weeks." Taylor says, making eye contact with me through our phones.

"Yeah...I got my cast off today!" I say, changing the subject to one less depressing.

"Ooh really? How have you been feeling?" He says and I begin to tell him about my feelings. I glance over at Nash and he is sitting back on the couch with his arms crossed and staring at me. Oh. What's wrong with him? I get off FaceTime wth Taylor and just as I'm about to ask Nash what his problem is, there's a loud knock on the door.

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