Chapter 65

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“Nash, come on..You’re going to get paint all over! Just stick your thumb right there, no not there...Nash!” I finally just grab his hand with my own and guide his thumb exactly where it needed to be placed on the ornament. After looking through Pinterest all night, we decided to do an ornament where we overlapped our thumbprints to make a heart shape and then just write some cheesy quote on the back with our names and the date.

The Christmas decorating had just begun around the house, and it was going smoothly so far. Brad and Tristan were currently untangling the lights from the boxes and starting to put them on the tree, and Jack and Jack were sitting on the couch stringing popcorn, though most of it wouldn’t make it on the tree before colliding with someone’s face or the ground.

“Damn it, I have to go make more popcorn." Tori groans as she gets up from where she was sitting on the ground, starting to put the fake tree together.

Just as she gets up and starts walking towards the kitchen, Connor jumps up too, "I'll help you!" He offers and quickly walks over to the doorway that lead into the kitchen, bumping into Tori in the process.

They both stop and Connor places his hands on Tori's shoulders as he starts to step around her but before he can even take a step into the kitchen, Madison pops up from behind the couch, where she was unseen just a minute ago.

"Don't. Move." Madison smiles towards them and then Shawn pops up from next to her, his smirk now completely visible.

"Look up," Shawn points to the doorframe above them and I follow their gazes up and find a piece of mistletoe hanging from the very top of it.

Tori turns bright red as she looks around at everyone and then back at Connor who looked confused as to why everyone was looking at him smiling, “What? Is there a spider, do you want me to get it?” Connor looks at Tori and steps from side to side, peering at the doorframe searching for something that might’ve scared her.

“Kiss her, Con!” I turn around to see James yell from his spot on the floor, in front of the tree, his whole lower body covered in fake tree limbs.

I watch as Connor looks at Tori, her biting her lip as she looked back up at him and he shrugs his shoulders as if saying ‘might as well’ and they both laugh as he places his hand to cup her jaw. The gap between both of  their parted lips close as they connect and quickly pull away from each other again. The room bursts out in applause after a slow clap was started by Gilinsky.

Tori dashes into the kitchen, followed by Connor, before everyone else quickly returned back to whatever they were doing before.

After we had enough of the Christmas festivities for the night, everything basically being done but the ornaments put on the tree, which we were going to save for another night anyways, we all start to get really bored as the night slowly progresses.

“So, what should we do tonight?” Tori asks as she walks back in the room, everyone looking around at each other not really knowing what to say or do.

“Hm...we need something fun to do, like a last hurrah before WE go back to school..” Sammy gestured to himself, Nate, the Jack’s, and Madison.

“We could throw a party..?” Connor speaks up and suggests, but is slowly shot down by both Nash and Tori.

“No, that’s too much work…” Nash lazily jumps in the conversation.

“Hm...Paintball, Johnson?” Gilinsky starts speaking, looking towards Johnson on his left, both of them looking at each other as if they knew something we didn’t.

“Paintball?” I ask, confused about why they would want to play paintball when it was dark outside and no place would really be open, considering it was right after a holiday.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now