Chapter 37

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Nash’s POV

It’s about 30 minutes later and I’m sitting in one of those damn hospital chairs, staring at the clock. I haven’t seen Abbi since I jumped off the ambulance and they rushed her into a room they wouldn’t let anyone in. Abbi’s mom, Marisa, finally arrived after about 10 minutes. Now, her, Tori and I, along with the rest of the guys, are sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. I think this is the quietest all of us have ever been in our entire lives. No one has said a word for the past thirty minutes, the only sounds in the room being those of other people and doctors rushing past us.

I groan loudly and run my hands through the front of my hair in frustration, rubbing my tired and heavy eyes in the process as I readjust myself in the chair, trying to find at least a little bit of comfort. I continue to stare at the door to the room they took her in. Just waiting. Waiting for them to come out and tell me my best friend is going to be perfectly fine. The door never move, it just sits there haunting my thoughts. Why did this have to happen to her? Why not me? Why not Taylor? Why her? I was never really close with Taylor anyways and now that he did this, I can’t even stand him. He always has to go so crazy and do the things that get him in the most trouble. Sometimes I think he wears those bandanas a little too tight and it’s starting to slow his brain activity.

I am lost in my own train of thoughts when the door, the door I’ve been staring at for what seems like forever, opens up. I immediately jump out of my seat, followed by Marisa, who was sitting next to me. We both walk up to the doctor as he makes his way towards us. Marisa reaches over and grabs my hand and gives me a reassuring squeeze as we approach the doctor.

“I assume you are Abbi’s family?” We nod our heads, eager to get to what he wanted to tell us, “Well nice to meet you, I’m Doctor Sloane.” he reaches his hands out for us to shake and we unlink hands and take turns shaking the doctor’s hand.

“How is she? Is she going to be okay? How bad is it?” Marisa gushes, not able to hold it in any longer.

“Good news, your daughter is fine. She was just knocked unconscious because of the sudden impact on her head. So, she should be awake in a few hours. But, the bad news is...she completely shattered her the middle of her radius.” We both share confused glances, not knowing what he was talking about. “Oh, I’m sorry. The’s a bone in her forearm. The middle part of it is more than slightly fractured. She just needed a little bit of readjusting, and she will be in a cast for quite some time. She should be in her room in a few minutes, I will have a nurse come and get you when she is settled in, and let you know what room she is in.”

“Thank you so much, doctor. We really appreciate all you’ve done for us. Thank you again, so much.” Marisa says as she shakes the doctors hand and he nods and walks away back towards the door he came out of a few minutes ago.  

I walk back and sit down next to Tori and begin to explain to everyone what the doctor has said. They all sigh in relief and the mood immediately lightens, and we begin to make small talk until the nurse comes out and tells us her room number and that only a few people should go in at a time, because she was still wearing off from her anesthetics. We nod and myself, Tori, and Abbi’s mom make our way into the room they told us she was in.

When we walk into the room, we are immediately greeted by loud beeping noises and I look at Abbi laying on the bed, tubes and wires connected to what seemed like every part of her. It makes me so sad to see her like this, but I quickly get over it once I remember what the doctor said. Everything would be fine, she’s going to be okay. We sit in there for awhile, me sitting on the edge of Abbi’s bed, taking her hand from the side that wasn’t broken in my own.  I sit there for next two hours, my friend cycling in and out, taking turns coming in and sitting for awhile.

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