Chapter 12

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I am laying on one of the boy’s beds and Cam is laying next to me, throwing his phone up in the air and catching it again. Matt is sitting in one of the big reclining chairs, and Tori is sitting on his lap, both of them looking at her phone and smiling. They are seriously so adorable I can’t even hide my smile. Nash is laying horizontally on the bed by where Cam and I’s feet are resting and he is on his phone also. Everyone is lounging around the room, doing whatever since it’s still early in the night.

We decide to wait until after 10 to go out into the hotel. The hotel managers made every one who booked a room sign a paper saying they would be in their rooms for the rest of the night by 10 so that there wasn’t any massive groups of teenage girls scoping down all the hallways for the boys.

Once it gets about 10:15, Nash stands up and says, “Okay, what are we doing tonight?! I’m feelin a little bit like turnin’ up and havin some fun!” He jumps up and down as he says this, showing the fact that he had alot of energy built up inside of him.

All of the boys start throwing out ideas, which once they said an idea everyone immediately criticized it because it sounded lame or it took too much effort. All of the sudden, a genious idea popped into my head, “Guys, We should play sardines!!” Nash almost choked because of how much he gasped, as he ran over to me and gave me a high five and Matt and Tori almost jumped out of their current position in excitedness.

 “YAAAAAAAAAS!” All three of them screamed at once.

As I took a glance at the other boys around me, Cameron who was currently laying next to me on my right, gave me the most confused look ever, “What the actual shit is that?”

I laugh as I begin to explain the concept of the game, “Well, it’s basically like hide and seek but only one person hides. Once they are hidden, whoever finds them hides with them and so on. So, basically by the end you’re all squished together in one tiny space….like a can of sardines…” I drag out the punch line of that joke so that they all understand and a few soft laughs were returned from some of the guys.

“That actually sounds great, i’m in.” Shawn speaks first, and once all the boys willingly agree he says, “Okay so who’s going to be the first hider?”

“Well, since there’s so many of us how about we do a partners game?” I suggest and everyone seems to agree, “Okay, so since the four of us know what we’re doing, two of us should probably be the first hiders…” I suggest motioning to myself, Tori, Nash, and Matthew.

“Abbi and I will hide first...give us probs around like 10 minutes. Sound good?” Tori asks as she looks around the room for approval from everyone.

I follow Tori out the door as everyone else is grouping up in pairs to come and find us.

After searching for a few minutes, Tori and I find a door leading to the main even ballroom where Magcon would be held the next day. We opened up the door, sure enough it was unlocked, and we made our way into the big room. The stage was a about 3 feet off the ground, and there was space between it and the floor with a big curtain covering the outside so you couldn’t see underneath of it. We both look at each other and I say, “Tori, this spot is literally perfect no one will be able to find us!”

“Abbi...I really don’t think I will be able to handle that. You know how I freak out when I’m in tight spaces…” She nervously paces back and forth.

“It’s going to be okay Tori, the boys always find us really fast so you wont have to be down there for that long.” She finally agrees to go under the stage with me and we sit there for about 10 minutes just nervously waiting for someone to walk through the door.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora