Chapter 3

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The road trip started out great. We were just jamming out to our usual songs, sunglasses on, sunroof open. We stopped about an hour in and went through Starbuck’s drive through and got Frappuccinos and cookies for the both of us. When we were about 45 minutes away from Chicago we were getting kind of tired of dancing around so, we turned the music down and just started talking.

 “Did you hear Tessa and Harry were dating?!” She exclaims to me.

 “Um...what the helll?! nonononoo” I say as my mouth hangs open in pure shock.

 Tori pauses before she answers, “Uh….why are you saying no?”

 “Tori, have you seen Harry..he dropped out of regular high school, he gets in SO much trouble. I mean, all he really does is sit in his basement and get high and drunk all the time. I bet he even does both at the same time, like thats how bad he is. He is so bad for Tessa, she’s so innocent.” I rant about the news I just heard.

 “Um...Harry isn’t that bad thank you very much, I hung out with them the other nig-”

 “YOU WHAT?! Why the hell would you hang out in the same even building as him...Tori he’s a freaking loser. He has nothing to do with his life and he’s...he’s just an all over bad person.”

 “Abbi, you’ve never even hung out with him. You’re basically judging him on what other people say about him and how he lives his life.” Tori starts to raise her voice.

 “Tori, we have SO many other friends you shouldn’t be hanging out with Harry and Tessa, regardless of how happy he makes Tessa. Really, I just don’t want your reputation to be ruined.”

 Tori turns and faces towards the window, “So you’re honestly just worried about what other people think...Wow Abbi, I thought you were so much different than that. Just….don’t even talk to me. You’re being a complete jerk.”

 At this point, I am fuming. So, instead of saying something I don’t really mean out of anger, I just breathe in and out and keep my eyes on the road as she turns her whole body to face the window, away from me.

It had been complete silence in the car for the past half hour and finally, after getting lost a few times I found the big sign that says "The Westin, Itasca" and I pulled into the parking lot. There were a good amount of cars so we had to park kind of far back and I take the time to gather up all of my things from the front seat and start to open my door and when I look back tori is already headed in the front door of the hotel, not even bothering to get her things from the trunk. I sigh, not knowing why she was still so mad, I pull out my phone and dial Nash's number and it only rings twice before he answers,

"Hey nash, I'm outside do you think you could come help me with the bags?"

"Yeah, I'll be right down!"

He doesn't hesitate at all with his answer, and before I know it I see him running towards me with a luggage cart in front of him. His face lights up once we make eye contact and he runs towards me faster and once he gets close enough he wraps his arms around me and we kind of just stay there for what feels like 5 minutes, but it was probably only a few seconds.

Finally, nash pulls away from me and puts his hands on my shoulders and just says, "I literally haven't seen you in so long, we have so much catching up to do it's not even funny."

I give him my best attempt of a smile and for a second I forget all the drama going on between tori and I but then reality hits when nash says, "where's tori?!"

I sigh and just avoid the whole conversation for now deciding it will be better to tell him once we get inside because girls were starting to get to the hotel and a few already noticed nash and I and started asking for pictures. Once we get all the bags we start pushing the luggage carrier into the hotel and once we get in there I start walking up to the front desk to check in and my phone vibrates because I have a text message

From: toriiiii  Room 1172

I stop and make nash turn around to go towards the elevator, " I guess tori already checked in were in 1172."

"Awesome, Cam and I are in 1175 I think that's like right across the hall."

We make our way to our room and I knock on the door and tori opens it, completely avoiding eye contact with me. Nash runs and jumps on her and hugs her, not for nearly as long as he hugged me though. And then he throws himself down on the bed and says, "FINALLY I have you two back in my life. I've missed us so much. Let's go find Matt and the other boys..I didn't tell them you were here yet so it should be a surprise for them"

We both follow nash out of the room,  not even bothering to unpack yet and at this point tori and I still haven't said one word to each other. Nash leads us to a door a few steps down the hallway to a door and you can hear the rest of the boys from all the way on the other side of the door. Nash uses his key and opens the door and yells "SURPRISE LOSERS, LOOKS WHOS HERE!"

Tori and I soon get bombarded with hugs and I-missed-you's. After we reconnected with our long lost best friends for awhile, I decide it's time to talk to tori. I walk over to the other room where she is sitting in the corner on her phone, away from everyone else.

As soon as i get up close enough for her to notice me, she looks up and doesn’t show any emotion whatsoever. “Tori, I know we got into an argument and we both said things we didn’t mean but can we just put this behind us and have a good weeke-”

Before I could finish what i was saying Tori was standing up and walking over to where the rest of the boys were standing and after saying something to Nash, she walked straight out the door.

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