Chapter 16

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Tori follows behind as I make my way up to our room on the 11th floor. Neither of us say a word as we throw all of our clothes in our suitcases, not even bothering to be neat about it. Once we have all of our stuff together and shoved into our suitcases, we make our way back down to the lobby, which is suprisingly empty because Magcon isn’t even over yet.

A few girls who are using the bathroom notice us and we shoot them fake smiles and wave as we exit the hotel. In the car I am so fuming that I start taking it out on the steering wheel and ranting to Tori. She doesn’t say anything for awhile, but when I start to back up she says, “Abbi, just think about it. Bart will be over this soon enough so let’s just stay in Chicago and we will come back to the hotel and talk to him later.” She tries to talk sense into me.

I am still fuming angry at this part, so I just say “No, Tori. No. If he wanted us to leave then we’re leaving. The boys are going to be pissed once they find out he did this to us, but who cares? No, we’re going home right now.” I start driving.

I have no idea where I’m driving to but I don’t stop. What gives Bart the right to be pissed at me? I’m not the one who got the alcohol in the first place. If anyone, he should be mad at Taylor and Jack. But, I’m not going to throw them under the bus. I’m a nice person. IM A NICE PERSON, why do I get yelled at? How can he even say that he dosen’t trust us anymore? No, you can trust me Bart but how the hell do you expect me to even control 10 teenage boys? I can’t do that. They took over, and when I have alcohol I don’t have the best judgement, but who does? By the time I’m done with my internal rant I pull over to the side of the road. I look over and Tori and she is completely curled up in a ball on the seat and sleeping. I pull out my phone and realize I only have 20 percent left. I curse to myself and reach in the backseat for my purse. I pull my purse onto my lap and begin digging through it to find my charger. I can’t fnd it anywhere, then I remember I must’ve left it in the hotel room. Well, this is just great. By now, the clock is shining 11:30 at night. Magcon has been over for awhile now, why hasn’t Nash or any of the other boys even questioned where I’m at?

Nash’s POV

Magcon is finally over with, and I have even more of a headache then I went in with. It’s always so nice to meet some of the fans, but it gets old saying the same old ‘Hi, how are you?’ to every single girl that comes through the line. Always the same reaction, hug them, take a picture with them, say bye...never see them again. I really haven’t been in too many relationships, I just don’t have time to establish a relationship with anyone. The only girl I really care about is Ab-Wait, now that I think about it...I haven’t seen Abbi in quite some time.

I begin to panic just a bit, as I make my way down to the girls’ room and once I get there I knock on the door, and no one answered. I continue to knock until my hand actually is pulsing. I make my way back to my room and when I enter, Cam, Taylor, Carter, and Hayes are chilling on the couch. I walk in and Cameron immediately walks over to me, “Bro, what’s wrong? Your face is all red and you have your hands in fists, what’s going on?” He asks me.

I just respond, “Abbi...Abbi and Tori, they...they aren’t in their room and I haven’t seen them in awhile. Have you guys seen them?” Everyone shakes their heads and this makes me freak out even more.

“Okay guys, search party. Something could be wrong with them, we need to go...we need to go find them. They could be anywhere, lets go lets..” Cameron interrupts me by putting his hands on my shoulders, “BroBroBroBro,calm down man, we will find them. I’m sure they just are roaming the hotel..maybe went out shopping, they like shopping. Right? Calm down, we will get them.” He assures me.

This makes me feel slightly better. We all go out of the room and start searching everywhere, asking everyone if they have seen them. Once we had been searching for a good half hour, I run into Aaron.

“Bro, you look so worried, are you okay? Whats going on?” I explain to him how the girls are missing and he literally looks so shocked.

“Wait, have you even tried to call Abbi?” He asks me, and I literally want to smack myself across the face, I can be so dumb sometimes. I immediately take out my phone and dial her number.

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