Chapter 10

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Once we arrive back at the hotel, avoiding the girls still crowded around the front entrance, we make our way in a side door and onto the elevators to go up to Nash and Cam’s room. When we get to the floor that the room is on, even all the way down the hall we can hear the boys yelling and making weird noises. They are just getting everything set up when Nash and I walk in and we make our way to the other side of the room.

I walk over to where Tori is sitting and sit down next to her on the small stool that comes in all of the suites. We both sit cross-legged facing each other and I put my hands on her knees and shake her as I quietly scream, “Tell me everything, girl!”

She blushes and gives me a judging look, “Um, how about YOU tell MEE? Everyone’s been talking about the way you and Nash are together. You two have been almost attached at the hip since like forever and you guys have this chemistry that just like...well, it makes everyone else in the room feel awkward to be completely honest.”

As I wait for this to sink in, it all makes sense...But, Nash and I are just friends. Completely only friends. “Tori, I know how it looks but honestly. Think about how long we’ve been best friends, he’s like a brother to me.” I continue to rack my brain about Tori's, and it seems like everyone else’s, assumptions. “And even IF I did like him, I’ve  read the books. What happens to best friends who date? They always end up breaking up and then ruining their friendship. I don’t want to risk losing him. Nash is my best friend, aside from you.”

She gives me an understanding look and just then the boys decided to start filming the Q&A. We sit in the corner and laugh as we watch all of the boys pile on one bed and mess around, being their normal selves. Tori and I sit over towards the camera so we can make sure its completely focused the whole time, and doesn’t stop recording randomly.

All of the sudden we heard two loud knocks on the door and then some giggling girls. “Ugh, I think they found us…” Jack Johnson groans as he stands up to go look through the peephole in the door.

Sure enough, he comes back and sighs as he sits back on the bed and we soon hear another knock followed by some girls laughing loudly. Nash gets up and starts walking towards the door, “Hey, you guys continue and I’ll go out there, get a few pictures taken and sign some shit and ask them to leave us alone. If we give them what we want they might stop.”

Everyone agrees and I quickly get up and follow Nash to the door, I wasn’t going to let him go out there by himself. Who knows how many girls are outside of the door. When we open the door and walk out all of the girls started to scream and a few of them even started crying. There were around 20 girls all together so Nash said to them, after they all calmed down, "Hey girls, if I let you each take one picture and sign something for you, can you please leave the boys and I alone? We are actually trying to film a video and if you don't....then we can't film it.."

They seemed to like this idea, so I begin to organize the girls in an orderly line and stand by Nash as he takes pictures with the girls. Some of the girls wanted pictures with me, I had my own following on vine and twitter so I posed for some pictures to the side of where Nash was and we continued to get through the long line of girls waiting in the hallway.

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