Chapter 43

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Once I had spent about thirty minutes waking sleeping beauty up, Tori and Madison had already began to head down to the dining hall to get breakfast. Nash and I then went our separate ways to get changed and cleaned up for the long day ahead of us. I ended up changing into my grey cloth shorts, with a pink flowy tank top that had ‘love pink’ down the front in white block letters. I slipped on my pink and teal nike shoes and let my hair fall down my back in loose waves. I brush my teeth and wash my face, not applying any makeup because we would be outside and getting dirty all day anyways. I leave the bathroom and make my way to the dining hall.

I walk into the doors and find Madison, Tori, and a few other girls, filling up a small wooden table. I slide into the open spot next to Madison and look around for the rest of the guys, wondering why we all didn’t sit at the same table.

After scanning the whole room, my eyes finally land on the table full of my friends. Just as I am watching them, they almost all at once pick up their water glasses and bring them to their mouths, taking a big drink. Almost as if it was a chain reaction, starting with Dillon, all of the boys start to spit the water out of their mouths as their faces transform into disgust.

I can’t help but smile as I see all of them lifting their glasses into the air and examining every square inch of them. I turn back to my own table as I see Tori doing one of her evil smirks at the table full of  boys. I give her a questioning look as I look back and forth between her and the full table of disgusted boys, forming a solution in my mind. Tori did this. I smile to myself as I turn back around and look at Tori as she just shrugs her shoulders as if she was innocent and didn’t know why I kept looking at her.

I see Matt glance over at our table out of the corner of my eye, probably looking at Tori, who was still smirking in their general direction. 'Oops' she mouths over to him, sarcastically blowing him a kiss. I laugh along with Tori and Madison as each of the boys begin to figure out who exactly planned the prank.

"Let the games begin," I say, smiling at the girls as our breakfast is served to our table.

After we finish eating, it was time to decide what activity we wanted to spend the afternoon doing. Madison had introduced the most popular ones to the group of us the night before, the three of us automatically leaning towards going on a hike as the guys has decided they wanted to go kayaking in the lake. As soon as the guys left to go get changed into their swim trunks, Madison turned to Tori and I.

"Okay. So, if we REALLY want to start this war right, I know what to do." She whispers to us, her eyes continuing to scan the area around us in case one of the boys happened to come back. "Alright, so if they are going kayaking...the paddles to the kayak are actually just twisted on to a stick in the middle. So...what if we untwisted them enough so that they could use the paddles, but once they hit the rapids, the paddles will fall off!"

Tori and I both exchange nervous glances before Tori speaks up first, "Umm...Madison? Can't that be, ya know, a little dangerous?"

"Well, they can swim. Can't they?" We both nod our heads, yes. "Nah, they'll be fine. It's not really 'rapids' it's just faster than the other water. They will be fine, just a little wet." She assures us as she leads us towards the door and then down the path that lead to the lake.

Once we got there, we went inside the supply closet where the paddles and kayaks were and we each grabbed a few paddles and unscrewed them just enough so it wasn't noticeable, but would easily fall off after a little use.

As soon as we stepped outside of the shack and Madison locked it back up, the three of us high-five in victory and make our way back up the path. We begin our hike to the top of the big rocky hill that was overlooking the whole camp. We make small talk and enjoy the perfect weather as we near the top of the large rock.

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