Chapter 36

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Abbi's POV

I wake up to a wild Skylynn sitting on my chest and bouncing up and down. “Abbi! Abbi! Wake up, Abbi! You have to play horses with me!” she continuously shouted.

I look up at her, “What are you doing, crazy?! C’mon. Let’s go!” I say as I stand up, picking her up with me and setting her on my hip. I look around and it was a pretty funny sight, I must admit. Cameron was passed out, half on the reclining chair, half on the ground. Abby was cuddled up with her cat blanket in the corner. Tori was sprawled in all directions on the inflatable air mattress we had blown up the night before to make everyone more comfortable, Matt laying next to her, taking up a fourth of the space that Tori was. I laugh at them and make my way out of the room, careful not to step on anybody. I step over a mound that was Taylor and Dillon, cuddled up next to each other. How cute are they.

“Okay, where did you put your stuff sky?” I ask the blonde bundle of energy on my hip. She wiggles out of my grip and I set her on the ground and she leads me into Nash’s room. This must’ve been where she stayed last night. I walk in and she immediately runs over to the corner of the room and opens up her big pink bag that was sitting over in the corner.

“Abbi, can be the brown horse and I...I can...I can be the brown one…” I didn’t even try to correct her from her excitement. She was just too adorable. I grab one the horse she hands to me and begin to play with her. She giggles and squeals in excitement every few minutes as I play with her.

Suddenly, I feel a large pair of hands cover my eyes. I don’t really get scared, because I have a feeling I know who it is. I reach my hands up and place them on top of whoevers hands are over my eyes and peel them off of me. Then, I turn my head up to look at whoever it is and I look into the beautiful blue, but tired, eyes I’ve grown to love. He sleepily smiles at me as he sits down next to me and leans his head on my shoulder.

“Ugh, Why are you up so early? I’m SOO tired.” He groans as he closes his eyes on me.

“She’s playing with me, Nashy! Go away this is a girls party!” Skylynn whines and pushes Nash playfully.

“I can play too! I play with you every other time, I want the grey one!” Nash says, before grabbing the grey horse and playing the game with us.

We laughed and played with Sky until Nila called us down for breakfast. We walked down, Sky holding both of our hands. We sit down around the table, everyone just waking up, and we ate a feast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

Once we are done, Taylor brings up four wheeling at Tori’s.

“So….can we do it today or nah?” He asks Tori, and by this point it was about the fiftieth time he had mentioned this so Tori just sighed and ran her hand through the front of her hair.

“Sure, Taylor. Let’s go, get your shit together and we can go, dang.” She groans in frustration and grabs her keys.

Once we were dressed in old clothes, prepared to get dirty, we all head to Tori’s house. Since it was about ten minutes out of town, we all decided to carpool. I get in my car, along with Tori, Matt, Nash, Cam, Taylor, and Dillon. It’s a tight fit, but we make it work.

When we get to Tori’s house, we all get out of the car and Tori opens up her garage that is attached to her house. Her and Taylor begin to get out all of her four wheelers and we all stand back and watch them, not knowing what we’re doing, we wouldn’t really be of any help to them right now. Tori had pulled out 4 four wheelers, and with there being seven of us currently, there would be a perfect amount of vehicles to split us up almost evenly.

“Abbi, ride with me. I’m going to show you how a REAL man drives a four wheeler.” Taylor yells to me over his shoulder from his spot on the four wheeler he claimed as his for the day. I smile and run over to where he is and put my leg over the top of the vehicle and sit behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso and holding on for dear life. I slide my sunglasses, that were resting on top of my head, over my eyes and hide my face behind Taylor’s back so the the tree branches that I knew were sticking out along the path didn’t hit me in the face.

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