Chapter 19

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Abbi’s POV

As I get off the phone with the boys, I look over to Tori across the table. She is sitting there sulking and just staring down at her mocha frappuccino with a sad look on her face. “Tor, listen...” I say as I rest my hand on top of hers on the table.

“Matt probably was busy or he went back to his room and got in the shower, and just assumed you did the same. Don’t assume that he just didn’t notice you gone? He probably noticed by now and is freaking out probably MORE than Nash.” I comfort her.

“Abbi, let’s be honest. I don’t think anyone could possibly be freaking out more than Nash. He was really worried about you.”

“Yeah, but you’re Matt’s girlfriend now and I’m pretty sure that overrides a friendship so he is probably even more worried.”

“Abbi, how can you be so stupid? Nash likes you more than a friend, he has for awhile now. And you like him. And no, don’t even interrupt me. You. Like. Nash..Nash. Likes. You.” She says as she claps her hands together in between words to emphasize.

I shrug her off and go back to scrolling through my twitter feed. I don’t like Nash….right? Well, even if I did...he wouldn’t feel the same. He always says how much he doesn’t want to be in a relationship right now because of how much he is always traveling. That would be tough to keep a relationship. Wait, why am I thinking about relationships now? I. Do. Not. Like. Nash. Grier. I keep telling myself, I don’t know if it was to convince everyone else, or myself.

I get bored with twitter, so I decide to catch up on my vines. “Holy cow, Cam has posted so many vines just recently,” I say to Tori as I scroll through them.

I put my phone out so we can both watch them together and we laugh at how stupid Cam is being, wearing a pink wig and Chad wearing a purple one. At one point, Cam was panning the camera over to Chad and you could see Nash sitting in the back. I wait for the vine to loop back around and quickly tap the screen when you could see Nash. I take my phone back so just I can see it and I look at his face, he has this almost sad look on his face and his arms are crossed as he is slightly making eye contact with the camera lens. I involuntarily frown while examining the picture, why does he look so sad? I wonder what was on his mind...

When Tori and I are just finishing filling up our ‘carts’ on some online clothing store, we hear a loud honk outside. We both glance over to where the noise was coming from and See a black SUV and one of the doors open, revealing Matthew. He runs into the cafe and goes straight to Tori. I figure they have some explaining to do to each other, so I walk outside to Chad, Cam and Nash who are now standing outside of the car.

I walk over to Nash, and expect something like a hug or a smile, but all I get in return is a head nod and a small ‘hey’ thrown in my direction. OKay then. So, I walk over towards Chad and Cam. Cam automatically wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up in the air, “ABBI, I’m so glad you’re okay. oh my god, you missed so much! I missed you, girllllll” he says as he sets me back down on the ground.

I laugh at how weird Cam is acting tonight, wait...who am I kidding, he's always like this. I walk over to wear Chad was standing by the car, his phone in hand as it shined bright on his face, “Thank you for coming to rescue us, I’m so sorry about what happened last night I didn’t mean for it to get out of hand and I...I’m just-”

He stops me by giving me a warm, caring hug and just whispers, “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. But my son has been going crazy without you, so I’m just glad we got you back” into my ear. I can feel the blush rise to my cheeks as I quickly look away.

Just then, Tori and Matt start to walk out of the doors and walk over to us, hand in hand. I look at Tori and smile, knowing that they had made up and then Chad says, “Well, Abbi you’re going to have to take your car back now that we found you. Someone will have to ride with you that knows the way back though.”

Cameron immediately jumps over and stands beside me. “OOOOH ABBI, OoH I KNOW HOW I KNOW HOW!” He says excitedly.

Matt walks over to Cameron and puts his hands on either of his sholders. "Cameron. You. Are. So. Annoying. Calm. The. Hell. Down." Matt says, annunciating each word before saying it to Cam. Cameron's face twists and he shrugs his sholders and turns away from Matt with a sad look on his face.

“I think Nasshhhhhh knows how to get back, dontcha bro?” Matt says in almost a teasingly voice as he smiles at Nash. I wonder what he means by that…

”So, Nash and Abbi should probably go in Abbi’s car, since he knows his way back and Tori, Cam, and I will ride with Chad.” Matt says as he leads Tori over to the back seat of Chad’s car. Cameron huffed and walked back over to the car and got in the front seat and I swear I saw Matt wink in Nash and I's direction through the side of my eye.

Nash walked over with me to my car which was parked down the street. “Want me to drive?” He says as he holds his hands out for the keys. I toss my keys at him as I open up the passenger door and sit down.

As he begins to pull away from the curb I turn my body so I’m facing the opposite direction of him and looking out the window. After about 5 minutes, I plug my phone into the AUX outlet and push shuffle on my music. The song “The Only Reason” By 5SOS comes on. I listen and sing along to the music, quietly. I glance over and Nash is nodding his head along to the beat. I actually listen to the words, and oddly enough it kinda goes along with the situation we’re in right now, being mad at each other.  

"Don’t fall, let me think it over. How we gonna fix this? How we gonna undo all this pain?" the words sing through the speakers.

I can feel Nash’s eyes on me but I continue to look out the window, ignoring him.

"Is it too late to bring us back to life? When I close my eyes and try to sleep, I fall apart I find it hard to breathe. You’re the reason, the only reason…" the rest of the song plays, somewhat teasing me it seemed like.

When the song ends, Nash reaches his hand over to turn down the volume before the next song can begin. “Abbi, what’s going on? Why is this so awkward between us?”

I don’t turn around as i reply, “I’m mad at you.”

Nash sighs before continuing, “Wait...I thought I was mad at you?”

I turn so I’m facing him, “You were mad at me before, and now I’m mad at YOU.”

“Wait so, since I was mad at you, now you’re mad at me...even when I’m not mad at you and you’re mad at me…? Wait, so who’s turn is it to be mad now?” He looks at me with the most confused look on his face.

I am so confused also, so I start to laugh because it was actually adorable how confused he was. “Nash, sometimes you scare me.” I say as I laugh and turn so I am facing towards him in the seat.

We sit with my music on repeat for a few more minutes. “OH, have you heard Jack and Jack’s new song? I have an EXCLUSIVE copy of it before it comes out,” Nash bragged to me as he reaches for the AUX cord to plug his phone in.

“Nash, I heard it already. Jack gave it to me last night, too. But I love it, we should listen to it anyways.” I say as I take the cord back from him and plug it into my phone.

Nash’s hands visibly grip the steering wheel harder, “Which Jack gave it to you?” He asked me through clenched teeth.

“Um...why does it matter?” I laugh nervously.

“Which. Jack. Abbi.” Nash says, pausing between each word, showing how angry he was getting.

“Johnson, geeze. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal, anyways.” He lets go of the steering wheel, almost as if a weight had been lifted off of him and I begin to play the song. We both sing along and dance to Paradise and more songs until we pull up in the hotel parking lot.

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