Chapter 7

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Abbis POV

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing right now, all I can say is I KNEW guys are so perfect together it's not even funny.  So, is this going to be a real thing now? You and Matt?" I question her, still in shock from the news she just spilled.

"Well, I'm not sure I mean it just happened not only a few hours ago and who knows where it will go from here."

"Well, YOU need to go get ready, little girl. We have to leave here in 45 minutes."

I say as I sit down on the bed and turn the tv on. She exits into the bathroom and I turn the channel to a rerun of Baby Daddy, I love this show. Next thing I know my phone buzzes from across the room.

From: Nash.

Dude, Matt won't stop talking about Tori. Like he has it baddddd.

Me:  What's he saying?

Nash: I stopped listening after like 15 minutes . But he's all  over her right now. Are they like a thing?

Me: well, I guess they don't know yet. I think they should be, i think it's our job as their best friends to push them together

Nash: It's go time, watch out world. Nash and Abbi are comin for ya  

Me: lol whatever, loserrr. â܌️

Nash: I'm coming over open the door.

Next thing I know there is a knock on my door and I yell, "NO ONES HEREE!" And laugh to myself.

Tori makes her way to the door from the bathroom and opens the door and Nash makes his way over to me with a scowl on his face, "No ones here...really?"

He fails not to laugh. I shrug my shoulders and he plops himself down on the bed next to me laying on his stomach facing the tv. "Holy crap. Baby daddy? We haven't watched this in years...I remember when this is all we'd watch after school. I really miss that, just being us..sitting around and doing nothing but having a hell of a time just because we were together."

I smile at him as I move closer to him and wrap my arms around him in a tight embrace. "I miss it too Nash, you're the best best friend I could have ever asked for," I say into his chest. 

We sit and laugh at the show for the next half hour until it's finally time to leave. I put my things in my purse and spray my hair with one last blast of hairspray and the three of us are out the door.

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