Chapter 42

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At that point, I knew what I had to do. Well, first I'd have to tell Tori and a few of the guys, because I am going to need some help with this. But for now, it was my job get Shawn and Madison talking and make them both see how perfect they are for each other. This could be perfect for both of them, I’m getting more excited by the minute.

Once, Tori and Matt came back with the flex, Nash, Shawn, Cam, and I make our way outside to put our bags in her trunk and the rest of the guys follow Taylor to the rover.

“Shotgun!” I yell, pushing Nash out of my way as I ran to the passenger door.

“I don’t think anyone was going to fight you for that one, babe.” Nash mumbles as he opens up the door behind me and lifts up his seat to let both Matt and Cameron in the very back seat before he begins to climb in himself.

“Hey, guys. Come here really quick.” I half yell and half whisper to Tori and Nash as I walk a few steps away from the flex, with Cameron, Matt, and Shawn inside of it.

“What?” Tori asks once we stop walking and the three of us form some sort of circle out of earshot of the rest of the guys.

“Okay, so...we have a mission. Shawn and Madison. Wait-” I hold my hands up before them as they both immediately open up their mouths to protest, “Think about it guys. Madison hasn’t had a boyfriend in a long time, she needs someone to make her happy. AND think about how perfect Shawn is for her. He’s a great guy, I mean he’s the type of guy that if you walked up to him and punched him in the face, HE would apologize to YOU. He loves camp, nature, hiking, singing, literally everything that she loves. I’m not saying we need to push them together, but we need to get the conversations flowing between the two. Because I have a feeling once it starts, it will never stop..” I take a small step back from them once I finish my proposal, opening up the floor for anyone else who wanted to talk now.

“She does kind of have a point…” Tori says to Nash as she cocks her head to the side and shrugs her shoulders at the same time.

“I guess we could give it a shot, I mean..the three of us can do anything. ‘Go Team’ on 3!” Nash yells as he places his hand, palm down, in the middle of the three of us and Tori and I just laugh as we lay our hands on top of his.

“1…..2…...3…..GO TEAM!” We all yell as we throw our hands up in the air and start laughing as we make our way back to the flex.

“What was that all about? Some secret alliance?” Cameron asks as we all shut the doors and Tori begins to back out of my driveway.

“Something like that,” Tori says, sending a wink in both me and Nash’s direction.

“Okay, so why exactly are we going to camp?” Shawn asks.

“Oh, what a coincidence that you ask that, Shawny boy…” Nash says, dripping with sarcasm, and I turn in my seat and glare at him.

“We’re going because one of our best friends, Madison, is a counselor there and they have this weekend called ‘family weekend’ and she gets to bring her ‘family’ to camp for a whole weekend. And since her parents are busy this weekend, she asked all of us to come stay.” I explain to Shawn since Nash obviously can’t handle the secret.

"Ohh, so this Madison...have I ever met her?" Shawn asks, becoming more curious about the subject.

This is going way better than expected, all we had to do was mention Madison once and Shawn seemed to be hooked already.

"Umm, no. Actually Nash, Matt, and Cam are the only ones out of the guys who have met her before. She's always either at camp or outside exploring, away from wifi. Ew, gross." Tori explained to Shawn, sarcastically saying that being outside was gross even though all of us actually loved the nature.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz