Chapter 9

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The beginning of the walk back to the hotel was very awkward, Nash and I both kinda knew how Tori and Matt wanted to be close to each other but must've felt awkward with the two of us there.

Nash and I give each other that look, when we are scheming things and I realize that we are both thinking the same thing when we take a step back and let Matt and Tori walk ahead of us. I get on one knee and start to tie my shoe and tori turns around when I stop, “Abbi, what are you even doing?”

“Um...I’m tying my shoe..” I smack Nash in the knee when Tori wasn’t looking so he could help me out a little with this, “OW. I mean, yeah um, I’ll wait back here with her...she really doesn’t know how to tie shoes so I’m uh...I’m just gonna help her. Yeah, you two go ahead we will meet you back at Cam’s..”

Tori gives me a confused look and begins to walk away with Matt by her side, as soon as they walk out of hearing distance I stand up and smack Nash playfully in the chest and he steps back and puts his hand over his chest, acting like it hurt. “You’re an idiot, you know that?” I say while laughing and walking away from him.

“Yeah, but I’m your favorite idiot. So, its okay” Nash says while jogging to catch up with me.

I laugh and shake my head, “Yeah, yeah whatever…”

We continue to make our way back to the hotel and at one point I can feel Nash looking at me so I quickly turn my head at the right time to catch him in the act. His whole face practically turns red as he looks away. “What are you looking at, wierdo?” I say to ease the awkwardness.

“I….I don’t know, but you look really pretty tonight abs.”

I suddenly lose all ability to form words, but I manage to croak out a, “Thank you, so do you.”  

Wait, did I really just say Nash looked pretty..? He's never going to let me live this one down...After that sets in Nash and I both look at each other and start to laugh.

“Thank you, I tried to wear like this like blue shirt to like match my like eyes like oh-em-gee perfffffff…” He says in a girly voice which makes me laugh even more and I link my arm through his as I lean on him on the rest of our short walk to the hotel.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora