Chapter 30

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I open my eyes in the morning and look around, Nash is still asleep, sprawled out in his bed sheets, and I look at the clock its 7:55. Crap, I need to get up and get ready. The bus is going to be here in like 2 hours.

I practically drag myself out of the warm bed and into the bathroom. I plug in my straightener and walk out to get my clothes. After I grab my clothes, I go into the bathroom and change into my outfit for the day. Which was just my light-washed-ripped skinny jeans that I would roll into capri’s and a tiffany blue tank top with the word ‘PINK’ on the front in black lettering. I brush my teeth and apply my normal makeup and begin to straighten my hair. I let some music play from my phone for some background noise. After I am done with everthing, I look back at my phone for the time. Its not 8:45. Perfect timing.

I walk out of the bathroom to, not surprisingly, Nash still out cold on his bed. I think about how I should wake him up for a minute...not just everythinggg works with this kid. I finally make up my mind and I climb onto his bed. I stand up so his body is laying in between my feet and I begin to jump up and down. “Nasshhhhhhhh, wake up. We’re gonna go have FUN today! Come on, wake upppppp. Nashhhhhhh!” I yell different things so that he will hopefully wake up, eventually.

Finally, after what seems like forever, Nash opens up his eyes and suddenly flips over so he is laying on his back, causing me to loose my balance. I fall forward, on my knees, so that I am sitting directly on Nash’s toned  torso.

“Well, this is awkward…” I say as I begin to get up and off of him.

“No, that was a REALLY nice way to wake up, nice job Ab.” He says, laughing, and I playfully smack him in the chest because he can just be so weird sometimes.

“Get up and get ready. We have like an hour before the bus gets here. Go, get in the shower.” I say, without looking back at him, as I begin to make my bed and get the rest of my things together.

“Hey Ab?” Nash questions, and I turn around and look at him still laying in the same spot in his bed but he’s now propped up on one elbow, looking at me. “You really look beautiful today..” He softly states, making me automatically blush like crazy.

I smile at him and sweetly say, “Thank you, Nash. But honestly, get ready. I’ll be back.” I say as I make my way through the door, but before I close it I stick my head back in the door and yell, “One hour, Nash!” and I make my way down the hall to Abby’s room, knowing she had probably been up since 5 am and was ready to get out of her room.

I knock on Abby’s door and almost immediately she answers and opens her door up, “Good morning, Abbi!” She says, cheerfully, as I roll my eyes and walk past her into her room. I really dislike people who are happy in the mornings. I usually prefer if people don’t talk to me until at least an hour after I’ve woken up, that would be perfect…

“Are you ready to go? Because if so, let’s go to Tori and Mahogany’s room and see if they’re ready.” She nods and grabs her purse and slides it over her shoulder and we make our way out to the hall.

We walk down a few doors, and I stop at the girls’ and knock on the door. Mahogany answers and as soon as the door opens you hear music coming from the bathroom.

“Tori in the shower?” I only assume, knowing she would wait until the last minute to get up and ready, I’ve grown accustomed to it.

I walk over to the door of the bathroom and knock on it and yell, “Tori, we have 30 minutes till we leave, hurry up!”

I walk over to the beds and lay down on one of them, flipping through the channels, “Oh, and by the way, Mahogany, this is Abby. Abby, Mahogany.” I say as I point back and forth between the two.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt