Chapter 57

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"Okay guys, say cheese!" the photographer kneeled in front of the six of us, ready to take our picture with the giant chandelier hanging in the background at the reception hall. Mostly all of the guests had arrived already and we were just waiting around for the wedding party to finish taking pictures and get announced so we could get started eating the dinner that was going to be provided to us.
I walk around to different tables of my family, giving hugs and hearing 'oh, you're so grown up' about a hundred different times before I made it to the table of my most immediate family.
My two great grandma's are sitting at a table together, waiting for my grandma and a few other people to arrive with the wedding party, as I step up behind my Great-Grandma Cook, as we called her, wrapping my arms around her and the same to my Great-Grandma Marianne.
"Hi sweetheart, and oh don't you look so beautiful tonight!" My Grandma Marianne gushes as she turns to give me a big kiss on the cheek.
They both then turn towards me as Nash walks up behind me, smiling at the two of them and waiting for me to introduce him. "Grandma's, I want to introduce you to Nash. Nash, this is Grandma Marianne and Grandma Cook." I step back so he can step up and give them each small hugs as they both look him up and down.
Even though Nash had been around my family since we were both so young, my great-grandmas have never really been properly introduced, since the only times I really see them normally is on big holidays.
"Oh, Nash. I haven't seen you since you were about this tall," Grandma Cook sticks her hand up to about her hip, showing him how little he was, "You have grown up to be such a handsome young man." She smiles as she pulls him in for another hug, him pulling away just enough so she could pinch his cheeks, which makes me start to laugh.
"Oh, what a handsome young man you have here, Abbi. You two look like such a sweet couple." My grandma Marianne automatically jumped to conclusion that we were together, causing both of us to share a glance but then shake it off since we technically were a couple, now.
Just as we started to walk away, the wedding party started to get announced, one by one, as they came in the doorway with bright colored sunglasses on and doing something cute to pose for the picture as they walked by. Just to my surprise, as Kiersten and Paige, Chrissy's oldest daughter, got announced and came running in, Kiersten's eyes spotted Nash immediately as she ran over in a full on sprint in our direction. Nash laughed as he bent down on his knees and opened his arms, getting thrown backwards a bit when she came, full force, colliding with his body.
"Hi baby girl, I missed you so much!" Nash cooed into her ear as he stands up again, her latching onto him for dear life.
Kiersten doesn't say anything, she just lays her head on his shoulder and after a few minutes of that he lifts her head up only to plant a big, quick, kiss on his lips. His face was absolutely priceless in this moment, immediately looking over to me with big eyes. I just laugh at his adorable face as I hold my arms out to Kiersten, her reaching back for me and jumping into my arms.
I ran out onto the dance floor with Kiersten in my arms, dancing along to the songs that were playing. I set her down on the dance floor and held both of her hands in mine as we both shook our bodies back and forth laughing as I spin her in a circle. Soon enough, Madison and Tori had formed a circle around Kiersten and I, dancing along with us as well.
Awhile after we had ate the dinner that was served, and Chrissy and Matt cut the cake, serving it to all their guests, I found myself out on the dance floor once again with Tori and Madison, and an occasional Matt or Cameron from time to time.
It had been about another hour before I noticed the lack of my own boyfriend. Confused, I quickly separated myself from the group and went in search of him, getting worried that something had happened to him. I walk to the left of the dance floor, seeing a lot of unfamiliar faces because most of Matt's family that I have never met sat over here. I scan the room and I spot Nash sitting at a table with what appeared to be Kiersten sleeping in his lap.
My heart does flips in my chest as I catch sight of the two of them, Kiersten cradled in Nash's arms while he twirled a few of her loose curls around his large fingers. Before he can notice me looking, I pull out my phone and snap a picture of the two of them and then walk over towards them.
I stand behind Nash, wrapping my arms around his neck as he leans his head back to look at me and smiles before continuing his conversations with my grandma. I smile back at him and realize I need to get him free of Kiersten so we he can actually have fun in the time we had left at the reception. I know he didn't mind sitting with her, but I also know he would much rather be out dancing with the rest of us than sitting here talking to my grandma out of all people.
"Here, honey. Let me take her and you can go have fun with your friends." My grandma sweetly offers, holding her arms out for Nash to hand the sleeping child over.
"Are you sure? I really didn't mind sitting here with her, really." Nash looks for a sign of regret in my grandmas face but once he see's none, he quietly hands Kiersten over to her before turning to me, my grandma immediately jumping into another conversation with someone on the other side of her.
I smile at him as my phone goes off, I take my phone out of my pocket and to see what it was and before I can check anything, the picture that I had just taken was still opened and on my screen. Smiling at just how adorable Nash was, I placed my hand on his thigh then leaned over and kissed his soft lips. I could sense the shock in his expression causing me to smile into his mouth then he slowly kissed me back. I brought my other hand to the back of his neck pulling his body closer to me. Nash put both his hands on either side of face pulling it away from his,
"Should we be doing this in front of your family?" He asked with visible concern in his face.
"I guess you're right." I sigh. Thinking quickly I grab Nash's hand dragging him behind me as I take the stairs to the lower level of the building and into the fairly large coat closet.
"Really? In here?" Is all Nash got out before I attached my mouth to his. He wasted no time kissing me back as he ran his hands down my sides resting them on my hips, pulling me closer to him. I ran my fingers through his hair as our lips moved in sync. Nash started walking forward until my back was against the wall. He started trailing kisses along my jawline to right underneath my ear. I tugged on the hair at the back of his head and let out a loud moan as I felt Nash suck on my skin.
He pulled his head away and looked at my neck, admiring his handy-work. Then suddenly his mouth was attached to my neck again, sucking and biting me, leaving another mark. After a couple more seconds I pulled his face back to mine and kissed him again. I bit his bottom lip gently tugging on it earning a shaky breath from Nash. His tongue slipped into my mouth as we began to fight each other for dominance. Just as I felt I was about overpower him I heard Cameron yelling our names. I groaned in frustration pulling away from Nash.
"What the hell does he want?" Nash echoed my frustration peeking his head out the door in search of Cameron. When it seemed like he didn't see him he turned back to me and right as we were about to kiss again I hear Cameron.
"Hey guys, oh, umm...sorry to interrupt, but its about time that everyone is leaving....and....yeah...." He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck while standing in the doorway of the coat closet.
"Cameron," I let out the breath of hot air I had been holding as I passed him on my way out of the dark room, smacking his chest with my hand as I pass him "I hate you."
As we made our way back upstairs followed by Cameron I was greeted at the top of the stairs by Chrissy.
"Abbi! There you are! You're babysitting the girls tonight right?" She practically yelled at me.
"Uhm, I guess so yeah." I responded as I quickly processed what I had just agreed to.
"Perfect, you're great!" She yelled again before running off to say bye to some more guests.
"Well, I guess we are babysitting tonight." I told Tori and Madison as they approached us with Matt following behind.
"Awesome....." Tori groans immediately turning around and hooking her arm in Matt's dragging him with her while walking away.
"Okay, I'll bring the girls to the car while you go warm it up. It's pretty cold out there." Madison told me as she turned to walk the other way as I began to walk towards the door.
Just as I was opening the door, I hear Kiersten start crying and heard little footsteps running towards me. I turn around and bend my knees just as she runs into my arms. I look over at Madison, who had a shocked look on her face, and just shrug my shoulders, picking her up and carrying her towards the door once again.
"Hey, want me to drive back?" Nash placed his hand on my shoulder, stopping me from walking through the door that I now had halfway open.
"I really don't care, I just don't want to be in this cold forever so make up your mind." I groan as the cold air hits my bare legs.
"Okay, okay. Give me the keys.." Nash whispers and just as I move to hand him the keys, the sleeping child on my shoulder started to whimper again, lifting her head up and finding Nash. She immediately lifts her arms out from underneath of her and reaches for Nash, grabbing onto his shirt while still in my arms, whining even louder now.
Nash looks at me and starts to laugh as I begin to get frustrated by her now screaming in my ear. "I don't blame you, Kier. I want him too..sometimes" I send Nash a wink as I pass her off to him and grab the keys back from his hands, walking out the door as I run to get the heat on in my car.
After a few minutes of me freezing in the car, the rest of my friends made their way out. Nash got in the backseat with the girls, one on each side of him as he buckled them in and they both nuzzled their way under his arms as they fell asleep again. Cameron climbed in the front seat and the rest of them got in Tori's car and they followed me over to Chrissy's house.
"Wanna help me with one of them, Cam?" Nash asked as we pulled into the driveway, before unbuckling the girls and sitting there waiting for someone to assist him.
Cameron gets out of the car and walks around to the door nearest to him, opening it and grabbing Paige out of the car and carrying her up the steps and to her room.
I get both of the girls dressed in their pajamas and tuck them into bed, Nash assisting me the whole time, grabbing things here and there when I needed them, and we finally get them to bed and tiptoe out of their room as we go out into the living room to meet everyone else.
"Okay, what now?" Cameron claps his hands together as Nash and Tori both fall onto the large couch, each on opposite sides.
"I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted." I groan as I throw myself into the couch too, sitting sideways next to Nash, laying my head on his shoulder.
"I agree, let's just call it a night." Nash closes his eyes as he pulls me in closer to him.
"But...I just wanted to have some more fun tonight!" Cameron pouts from across the room and Madison walks over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.
"C'mon, Cam. Let's go to bed. We have all the time in the world to have fun when we get back to California." She coaxes him, earning approving nods from the four of us sprawled out across both couches.
"Not really," I hear him mumble under his breath as he pouts even more and crosses his arms across his chest.
I slowly get up off the couch, after realizing I was still in my dress and had all my makeup on.
After I changed, I went and grabbed all the blankets off my aunts bed, and headed upstairs to go to bed.
There was a large couch, a blow up mattress and a little floor space for the six of us to sleep upstairs. I plopped down on the air mattress with the blanket and claimed it as my own, fixing the previous sheets that were on there and laying down, wrapped up in the comforter I had stolen from the bed.
"Guys, can we just watch one movie?" Cameron begged as he bounced up and down in his seat on the edge of my air mattress, causing me to be shaken around.
"No, Cameron. Get off my bed and go to sleep. Please?" I groan, flipping over and burying my face into the pillow.
"But..I just want to.." He begins again.
"No, Cameron.." I hear Nash's voice beside me now, the mattress moving up and down as he lays down on it.
Madison walks in the room and turns the light off after her, grabbing blankets from the closet and making herself a bed next to me on the floor.
After what seemed to be 30 seconds, Cameron sighs loudly before saying, "I can't sleep. Can we PLEASE just wa-"
"SURE. FINE. Let's watch a movie, Cameron." I groan and sit up, scooting my body back so my back rested on the couch behind me.
Nash groaned and got up as well as Cameron jumped up and started sorting through the basket that was sat next to the tv. After a few minutes I hear an "aha!" as he holds a case up in front of him and puts it in the DVD player.
The movie, "John Tucker Must Die" starts playing and I smile because this is one of my all time favorite movies.
The movie was quickly over and I look around at everyone and see that Cameron and Madison were the only two sleeping.
"Okay so Cameron kept us up only to fall asleep...okay cool." Matt rolls his eyes from his spot on the couch, underneath Tori.
"I'm kind of craving some ice cream right now..." I mumble as I don't feel a single bit tired anymore.
Everyone ignores my comment as the end credits continue to scroll on the screen so I repeat myself, this time aiming more towards Nash.
"Babe?" I turn my head to look up towards him, running my fingers down his chest. He makes eye contact with me as he questions me with his eyes. "Can you go get us some ice cream...please?" I pout out my bottom lip as I look up at him through my eyelashes.
"No. But you go get some ice cream and I'll go with you." Nash shrugs his shoulders as he shuts his eyes and lays his head back on the couch once again.
"Okay!" I smile in excitement as I jump up and grab his arm, pulling him up as well.
"Wait, wait, wait. I want ice cream!" Tori perks up from being indented between Matt's side and the overly cushioned couch.
"Wait, shouldn't we not all be leaving since the girls are still downstairs sleeping?" Nash asked before we started walking to the stairs.
"It's okay, guys. I'll stay here, go ahead." Matt says through a yawn on the couch.
"Why don't you want to come?" Nash asked, turning around with a confused look on his face.
"I'm just really tired. I'm going to sleep." Matt answered.
"Okay fine, be a little bitch then. We'll go out and have fun without you, be back in a few hours." Tori chucked up a peace sign in his direction and stuck her tongue out before leading us all down the stairs.
"Wait, a few hours? What the hell are we doing for a few hours?!" I whisper as we get to the bottom of the stairs, careful not to wake the sleeping children.
"You know us, we'll find something to do. I kind of want to go crazy!" She excitedly jumps up and down as she continues to beeline for the front door.
I roll my eyes as I grab the keys off the table on the way out the door, running to the car in the pitch black early morning and turning on the heat as soon as I sit down.
"Okay, where to?" I put the car in reverse as soon as Tori and Nash finish fighting over who gets shotgun, Nash winning as he climbed into the seat next to me, Tori getting in behind him.
"Well what is open at 2:30 in the morning that has ice cream?" Tori questions in a sarcastic tone.
"McDonalds here we come." I laugh starting down the road.
Once we get to the Mcdonalds, which was right down the road from the house, I pull up to the speaker since there was really no line, considering it was almost 3 in the morning now.
"What do you guys want?" I turn in my seat to get their orders and then I repeat them into the speaker. The lady told me the total and to pull forward to the second window where she would take my money.
I decided to go and park on the far side of the parking lot after I had the cold desserts in my hand, not wanting to attempt to drive and eat them at the same time. Just as I slid my seat backwards, making a little more room in my area to get comfortable as I sat and ate my ice cream, Tori reached up into the front of the car and turned the volume dial to the right, blasting music through the speakers.
Nash practically jumped in his seat, since he was practically half asleep eating his ice cream cone, and Tori and I just laughed at him while I pushed the button to open up my sunroof and started to stand up on my seat.
"Wh- What are you doing?!" Nash frantically asked as I stood up and started to lift myself out of the sunroof.
I scoot all the way back on the roof and peek just my head over the hole in the top of the car, "C'mon." I laugh as I reach my hand out for him as he gives me an incredulous look.
After we sit there giving each other awkward looks for the next few seconds, he finally unbuckles his seatbelt, and climbs up onto the roof.
At this point, Tori had already started running through the parking lot, holding her phone out in front of her. I assumed she was making a snapchat video so I decided to open my snapchat too. I started a video of myself and Nash dancing to the music that was blasting through the speakers of my car. After I posted it to my story I jumped into the back of one of Nash's selfies.
"GUYS!" Tori screamed to us from the ground by the car. "Get in my selfie!" She shouted raising her phone to fit us into the picture.
As we continued to add silly, random pictures and videos to our stories and more people were watching them we began to get a bunch of tweets. Some of them asking where we are, others asking what exactly were we doing. Tori had joined us on the roof of my car and we had decide that we would tweet some people back.
The first tweet I replied to was asking where we were, so I told them, 'We are back in our hometown for the weekend.' As soon as my tweet was sent a dozen new questions came, like 'why are you guys home? How come Nash & Matt were dressed up earlier?' It was then that I realized that none of us ever announced exactly why we had come home. I decided to tweet a picture that was taken of me, Nash, Tori, Matt, Madison, and Cameron at the reception with the caption, 'Congrats to my Aunt Chrissy and my new uncle Matt! The wedding was beautiful!' tagging everyone in the photo.
"Awwee, Abbi. That picture is so cute!" Tori smiled while typing something on her phone, then I got the notification that she had quoted my tweet and added a couple heart emojis & Nash retweeted her tweet.
"A lot of people are asking where Matt is." Nash announced, laughing while typing something on his phone. "Please just go look at my last tweet guys." He continued laughing almost falling off of my car. As I went to Nash's profile I saw that he replied to someone asking why Matt wasn't with us by saying, 'because Matt's a little bitch and he can't hang with the big dawgs.' We all laughed out loud reading his reply as Tori laid down before almost falling off the car.
"I wish we could see the stars." She said sadly, rolling over onto her stomach, placing her hands under her chin. "Whoa, I don't know how I just noticed this but ummm...Nash, you're a dirty boy." She added eyeing me.
"What are you talking about?" Nash asks looking back and forth between the two of us.
"Those are some pretty big hickies Abs...." Tori draws out winking in my direction. I quickly cover my neck with my hair and hide my face behind my hands.
"Uhm, why don't we go to the mall parking lot since the lights aren't turned on, then we would be able to see the stars." Nash suggested while awkwardly sliding off the top of the car.
"Yes! Lets go!" Tori happily exclaims while sliding into the car through the sunroof.
The drive to the mall was so quick, it was literally across the road, that I didn't even put my seatbelt on let alone worry about the short drive over there so when I saw red and blue flashing lights in my rearview mirror, I was shocked.
"Oh my god, guys. What did I do wrong? What do I do? I've never gotten pulled over before, I'm not a bad kid." I start lowkey hyperventilating as I turn my turn signal on and pull over to the side of the road.
"Calm down, babe. It's fine. I'm sure he's just checking to make sure we aren't drunk or anything, since it's nearly 4 am. You'll be okay, stop freaking out and roll your window down. Act natural." Nash calmly explains, slowly reaching across the center console to squeeze my knee, quickly removing his hand when the officer shined his light in my window.
"H-Hi officer," I stutter as he points the flashlight in all different directions, looking inside of my car.
"Hello, where ya headed?" He asks, the only facial features I can make out on his face is his moving jaw.
"Home, sir." I answer, and luckily we were actually on the right road that lead to my house, so I used it as an easy excuse.
"Okay, but you are aware that you did not have your headlights on, right?" He asks, now shutting off his flashlight and sticking his hands in his pockets as he backs up a small bit to see me better.
I immediately shift in my seat to look at my dash, almost smacking myself in the face when I see that my headlights were really not turned on. "I was not aware, I am so sorry. We literally just left McDonald's parking lot." I point to the lot across the street, showing that we hadn't driven very far with the headlights out.
"Can I see your license and registration please?" Is all he says as he holds out his hand in front of me.
I turn to face Nash, asking him to grab my wallet out of my purse and the papers from the glovebox. He does without hesitation and after searching for a few seconds, I hand them both to the officer and he walks back to his car, opens the door, and sits back in his drivers seat.
I let out a sigh of relief and throw my head back in my headrest just before Nash starts laughing, "Well, might as well take this opportunity and add it to our snapchat story full of adventures." He laughs even harder as he pulls out his phone and brings it in front of us, holding down the button to take a picture with the lights in the background.
He laughed as he showed Tori and I each the picture with the caption, "Well... #BailAbbiToriandNashOutofJail". I turn towards Nash with a glare on my face, the fact that he finds this situation funny is actually pissing me off.
Just as I was about to open my mouth to tell him off, the officer had arrived at my window once again, handing me the papers and my license. "I'm letting you off this time, now go straight home..understand?" He sternly asks me and I nod my head up and down quickly, thanking him about fifteen times before finally pulling back onto the road and heading straight back to Chrissy's.
"Well this is stupid. I wanted to look at the stars." Tori pouts from the backseat.
"When we get back you can lay on the trampoline and look at them, stop whining." Nash joked. Then Tori reached forward and punched Nash on the shoulder just as he was starting another snapchat video.
"OW!! That actually hurt, why do you have to wear so many rings?" Nash complained rubbing his shoulder, then ending his video.
"Good, it was supposed to hurt!" Tori explained sounding triumphant leaning back in her seat once again.
"I really hate you," Nash groaned as he continued to rub his shoulder, over exaggerating to the extreme.
I laugh at the two of them arguing back and forth until we pull into the driveway of Chrissy's house, once again dragging ourselves through the front door and sprawling out on our air mattresses and the couches once again.
"Guys, people are really freaking about all our adventures tonight. Look, this one snapchat got 44,000 screenshots..." Nash laughs as he shows us the snapchat of Nash and I making guilty looking faces with the police lights shining in the background.
"Holy crap, and the hashtag you tweeted out earlier is trending worldwide." Tori says, referring to Nash as he continues to laugh scrolling through his timeline. "And I'm not the only one who noticed the hickies.." She added in a sing-song voice.
"Shut up Tori!" Nash groaned throwing a pillow at her face.
"Guys, this isn't funny..what if our parent's see that stuff..they will literally have a heart attack.." I run my hand through my hair in frustration as I sit cross-legged on the air mattress next to Nash, my back leaning up against the couch.
I open up twitter myself, typing out a new tweet to set the record straight myself, I quickly type: 'Guys, that was all a joke. We did get pulled over, yes, but we didn't get arrested. Please disregard anything my stupid boyfriend says from now on!' and I set my phone down as I turn to Nash.
"Now, you two go retweet that now." I look back and forth to him and Tori, who was still smiling at something on her phone screen.
"Fine.." Tori agrees as I get a notification that she had, in fact, retweeted me.
"No, I think it's funny.." Nash smiles at me, setting his phone down beside him.
"Nash. Retweet it, now." I turn to him, sternly telling him to do what I had asked. I wouldn't make such a big deal out of this whole situation if he didn't start it, and since he has more followers than me, its impossible for me to reach all of his fans just on my account.
When he still refuses to do it, I realize I have to take matters into my own hands and get the phone and do it myself. Since I knew he wouldn't just let me grab the phone without a fight, I also realize I'm going to have to come up with a creative way to get it from him.
I look back to the couch and see that Tori has occupied herself with something on her phone, leaning into Matt's passed out body. I smile to myself as I turn in Nash's direction, placing my hand on his thigh as I grab his attention, his head whipping away from the tv and towards me. I smile at him sweetly, bringing my teeth out and over my bottom lip, slowly inching closer to him. I lift one of my legs to sit on the other side of his, now straddling his lap. He hasn't said one word, so focused on watching my every movement, his now dark blue eyes never leaving my own. I glance down to his right hand, straining myself from rolling my eyes as I see that he still has his phone clutched in his hand.
Time to take this to the next level, I give a pep talk to myself in my head. I bring my hand up to rest behind Nash's neck, tugging on the little curls that fell from the back of his head, parting my lips as I deepen my breaths. Slowly inching my face closer and closer to his with each breath, I could just tell I was driving him crazy.
Finally, when my lips were just mere centimeters from colliding with his, I quickly remove my hand from his neck and grab his phone that was now out of his hands and laying next to him.
I turn my body so it is facing the opposite way of him, quickly using my fingerprint to unlock his phone since I had recently set it so my finger unlocks his phone as well as his own, and I open his Twitter. Struggling to hit the right buttons while Nash was practically on top of me now, grabbing for his phone while I frantically tried to steady my hand so I could do what I needed to do.
Finally, I breathe a sigh of relief as I throw his phone behind my back, it landing with a thud on Nash's body somewhere, not really caring where when a wave of sleep hit my body.
Nash groans in frustration as I curl myself up underneath the blankets, flipping back over to face him and I immediately laugh at his expression. His arms were crossed across his chest as he pouted out his bottom lip in an 'I didn't get my way' fashion.
I just smile to myself as I close my eyes, him eventually laying down next to me as I feel his hand touch mine underneath the blankets. "Abbi?" He whispers, as I feel his presence getting closer to me.
I hum something of a response, not bothering to open my eyes, "I love you." I hear him continue to speak, mumbling towards the end as he started to fall asleep. I don't respond, knowing he had fallen asleep by the deepening of his breaths beside me, I just grab his hand and pull it closer to me, letting myself fall asleep with a seemingly permanent smile on my face.

Do You Feel the Same? (A Magcon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now