Chapter 31

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 "It's like nothing phases those two, they are scared to death on the ride and then they are over it just like that, and on to the next one" I whisper more to myself than Cameron, who decided to give up trying to figure out how there are two Jacks and two Abbi’s but only one of everyone else.

"You know," Cameron begins, ignoring what I just said. "If you meet someone that has the same name as you, then you have to be friends. Not just friends but like BEST friends. Ya know?" He cocks his head to the side and looks at me.

Now I haven't known Cameron for that long, actually, I met the guys and Mahogany just several months ago, but when he says something random, it isn't just "random" it means something. Of course I'm too focused on moving along in the line we were now waiting in to talk to him about it, but I'll figure out the importance of his randomness later.

I continue to move with the line, walking up dozens of stairs in the process, until I finally make my way to the ride. I walk across the steel aisle in front of the seats and put my purse in the cubby area, careful to put my phone in the big pocket of my purse and out of sight. The last thing I need is for my phone to be stolen or something. I walk back over to the seats and climb up into the second one closest to me, in between Cameron and Taylor. I try my best to hide my disappointment when I see Nash getting into the seats of the car in front of mine. I don't even recognize some of the people he's sitting with. What the heck? Why was he sitting with those guys and not me?

Before I can think of another question, my seat leans forward until I'm laying completely horizontal in midair. In the next moment, I'm flying. Zipping, sailing, twisting, screaming and at one point, I swear I am crying or laughing. At this point I can't even tell. And just as suddenly as the ride begins, it ends.

Taylor and Cameron wait for me to get out of my seat. Taking a hold of Cameron's arm, I look around for Nash. Where is he? And why didn't he wait for me along with the other two boys? Once we're out of Superman and back in the main park, I see why. Well, more like hear it. It doesn't matter if you've heard the ear-splitting, headache igniting sound once or a thousand times, you'll always be able to recognize the sounds of screaming fangirls.

I'm not sure whether I should be surprised or not. I know how girls can be fans of really attractive guys (just like Carter and Aaron, I love Justin Bieber,maybe in a different way then they do, at least for Carter's girlfriend's sake), but I don't understand how they noticed we were even here. We had all been so careful.

I see a crowd of girls start to form a circle around one of the boys, I assume. I start walking over there to help whoever's being mobbed.

"Stand back! Stand back! I have an umbrella and I'm not afraid to use it!" In the center of the, what could only be called the mosh pit, is Abby and Jacob. I have no idea where Abby got that stupid umbrella but she's holding out to the girls, making stabbing gestures with it. She might as well have a hat on her head that says “LOSER” in all capital letters.

"Abby," Jacob says. He sets his hands on her shoulders, attempting to calm her down. “They're fans, not wild animals."

Abby's eyes widen in shock. "From where I'm standing, they're basically the same thing." She puts her arm in front of Jacob, shielding him from the fans as she continues to poke at them with her umbrella as she makes her grand exit to the nearest store. Somewhere along the way, Jacob stops following her and stops to take pictures with a few of his fans. I decide I should probably get him so we can regroup with the others somewhere and decide if we should stay in the park or leave. I'm not sure where everyone else is at this point, but if one boys have been found, it won't be long before the other's follow.

Tori's POV

Abbi somehow got separated from us after we got off Superman. Large crowds were forming around someone waving what I thought looked like an umbrella. What a weirdo. It wasn't even raining.

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