Second Year // Chapter 3

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"Any sign of Harry?" I asked as I walked out of the floo gate with Dad. Ron shook his head, along with Percy. Mum followed up with Ginny and she was met with the same disappointment.

"Where could that boy have gone!" She exclaimed as we walked towards Gringotts.

"I don't know, Mum. I said looking over at Ron. His head was scanning the crowded alley his eyes filled with worry for his new best friend.

"He'll be fine, Ron," I said walking over to him. "Harry freaking took on He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named last year."

"I know. It's just ... I wanted to spend time with Harry. He is my bloody best friend!" Ron said. "How would you feel if Neville or Seamus was here then you couldn't find them?!"

"Don't you dare bring my friends into this Ron!" I said raising my voice. Fred and George heard our argument and came over to separate us.

"Alright! This is where we take you to different places and have you both cool down." Fred said pulling me towards Gringotts.

"Yeah. You both need some time away from each other." George said pulling Ron towards Flourish and Blotts.

"So you don't kill each other." They said at the same time. We split up and once we were far enough away, Fred released my hand and wrapped his arm around me in a hug.

"You know, before you two came along, George and I loved being the only twins." He joked.

"You were three when we were born!" I replied giving him a little shove. "Besides, you adore me and you know it."

"I know. Now, if my eyes aren't deceiving me, I spy a certain 12-year-old girl walking in with her parents." I turned to look at the bank and saw Hermione walking in with what seemed to be her parents.

"Hermione!" I shouted running off towards her.

"Lori!" she yelled back leaving her parents and crashing into me with a hug. We chattered back and forth for a few minutes, before following her parents into Gringotts.


"Harry!" Hermione called as we walked out of Gringotts. Hermione and I burst into a run and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Girls. Can't. Breathe!" He gasps out. We released him and just smile at him.

"Hello, Hagrid. It's wonderful to see you again." I noticed Hagrid as well and gave him a little hug. I noticed Hermione sigh as she pulled out her wand.

"Oculus Reparo."

Harry's glasses which had been slightly broken were now magically mended. He pulled them down off his face and played with them in his hands.

"I need to remember that one." He chuckled out while putting them back on his face.

"C'mon. Everyone's been worried sick about you." I said grabbing his hand and leading him towards the bookshop. Once we got in Mum ran right over to Harry and wrapped him tight in a hug.

"Oh, Harry. Thank goodness. We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far."

"Thought we lost you mate," Ron said slapping a hand on his back. "Where did you end up?"

"Knockturn Alley," Harry replied. I let out a small gasp while Mum let out a loud one.

"Really?! What was it like?" Fred and George asked. Harry was about to respond when someone walked out from the back. By the reactions of everyone around, I could only guess who it was.

Gilderoy Lockhart.

Ugh! How anyone could consider him attractive, I'll never know. I read one of his books last year, and I found it full of complete bull. If I could only prove all of his books were faked, and not real.

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now