Fourth Year // Chapter 1

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The summer was coming to an end, normally I would be a little bit sad. However, this year I couldn't wait to get back to class. Something was telling me that something bad was coming. I was getting a nervous feeling in my gut. I hoped when Harry and Hermione came over for the World Cup it would go away but no, it only got worse. 

Harry's been having nightmares and his scar had been hurting. Neither were a good sign. Hermione told him to write to Sirius, and Harry said he would soon. I rolled my eyes, that boy seriously didn't want Sirius to know. After we had a nice dinner outside we all went inside to get some sleep before heading off early in the morning. 

I found myself getting shook by my Mum, that morning. Her soft whispers telling me it was time to get up and get ready to leave for the World Cup. After she left, I drifted back to sleep for a few moments, only to get pulled out of bed by Hermione. "I get it, Mione, I'm up!" I groaned as I fell onto the floor. I looked around and saw Ginny propped up on her headboard. Her head bobbing up and down like she was trying to force herself to stay awake. "Tired Gin Gin?"

"Yeah. Can we just sleep in and miss the first part of the match? I mean, it's only Ireland vs. Bulgaria." She moaned as her head smacked her headboard.

"I thought you loved Ireland?" Hermione questioned while she zipped up her jacket. "You only went on and on about how cute Lynch is!"

"I do, and he is!" Ginny said. "I just hate early mornings!" She complained setting her feet on her floor. I laughed as she quickly pulled her feet off the floor. 



After about another hour or so of getting everyone up and about, we finally began to head off. Bill, Charlie, and Percy were going to meet us there since they were going to Apparate.

"Dad! Where are we going?" Ron asked from behind us all. Harry had managed to stumble and was walking slower than everyone else. So, Ron walked slower with him.

"Haven't the foggiest! Keep up!" He replied. We all shared curious glances as we all kept following after him. After a few more moments a new voice caught our attention.

"Arthur! It's about time, son." We all looked around and saw Amos Diggory walking towards us. Smiling and waving.

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr. Weasley said shaking hands with Mr. Diggory. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone, he works with me at the ministry." Dad turned back and winked at me. 

"I also believe this is Cedric's father." I looked around and scanned the area. 

"Umm ... where is Cedric?" I asked. Just as I did, there was a rustling in the tree above us. Before I could ask what it was, someone jumped down and wrapped their arms around me. 

"Try right behind you, love." I turned and jumped into his arms. "Take it that you missed me?"

"Obviously." I chuckled as I got down and grabbed his hand. "I can't believe were seeing the Quidditch World cup!"

"I know. This is going to be such a memory," he responded as we started off again. We came to a top of a hill and saw a boot laying in the grass. 

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked as we gathered around the boot.

"That isn't just any manky old boot mate," George replied.

"It's a portkey," Fred said. We all laid down on our stomachs and grabbed ahold of it. Harry, however, just stood there with a dumbfounded look upon his face.

"Time to go. Ready?" Amos announced.

"What's a 'portkey'?" Harry asked finally getting onto the ground next to Ron.

"After three. One ... Two ..."

"HARRY!" Dad shouted, Harry jumped and quickly placed his hand onto the boot.


There was a white flash and suddenly we were all spinning through the air. Fred, George, and Cedric were laughing while Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and I were looking like we were going to be sick.

"Let go kids!" Dad yelled.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Let! Go!" Fred, George, myself, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all let go of the boot and fell fast and landed on hard ground with a THUD

I glanced up and saw Dad, Mr. Diggory, and Cedric all land rather gracefully, with the help of the magic of course.

"Bet that clear your sinuses, eh?" Dad said as he landed. He walked over to help Ginny.

"Next time, Dad. WARN US!" She snapped at him. 

"I'll try, dear." He laid a small kiss on her forehead and waved for all of us to hurry up. I was getting up when Cedric came over and offered his hand. 

"Need help?"

"I can get up myself, thank you," I smirked back at him. Once I was up and began to walk, I joked with him. "You couldn't have helped me glide down gracefully?"

"Well, the thought did enter my mind. However, my first trip on a Portkey ... my father didn't help me sooooo ..." I lightly slapped him and ran forward to catch up with everyone else. Once we got there, Cedric went with his father to their tent while we walked to find ours. 

When we got there, Dad held open the opening for all of us as we walked in. Once I was inside I let out a small squeal. it was SO CUTE! It had the same feel as the Burrow! Mismatched furniture, a small yet decent kitchen, and two rooms with a bunch of beds. 

"I love magic!" Harry muttered as he walked in.

"Girls. Chose a bunk and unpack. Ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry!" Dad called out as he placed his pack on a bed.

"Yeah, get out of the kitchen Ron!" Both the twins shouted as they down at the table.

"Feet off the table."

"Feet off the table!" The twins shouted again as they took their feet off the table but the moment their dad walked past they resumed their positions with their feet up.

"Well, why don't you all go explore?" Mr. Weasley said. All of us split up and ventured out. While wandering around we bumped into Oliver Wood. He told us he got on the Puddlemere United Reserve Team! Harry and I hugged him and wished him all the luck in the world before continuing on. Eventually, we passed a tent and I heard two familiar voices cry out.

"WEASLETTE!" I turned and saw Dean and Seamus sitting just inside their tent.

"Boys!" I rushed over and hugged them tightly. We sat and talked for a few minutes before heading off back towards the tent. The match was going to start any hour now, and we wanted to make sure we got to our seats in time. 

Through All the Pain  // N. LongbottomWhere stories live. Discover now