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Hello everyone.

Thank you for reading this story and here are some things you should note before starting.

1 - I believe everyone should imagine the characters their own way, so I don't have a casting for this story, even though my heart belongs to Ben Barnes as Sirius.

2 - The first few years are not going to have loads of chapters, but are necessary for the world/character building.

3 - Some views expressed by characters aren't necessarily mine, and therefore some unpleasing opinions and language will be used for the characters to overcome them and understand concepts better as I want to make them as realistic as possible.

4 - The story will possess some canonic content following the original HP books' storylines but will mostly change, especially towards the end, *wink*. So do not attack me as most characters, timelines, and storylines will differ.

5- I'm always open to suggestions and opinions, or even unrelated messages, my inbox and comments are open for anything and anyone ! (Big fan of Wattpad comments)

6- The first few chapters are horrible (like soul-suckingly cringey, I apologize for ever writing that) but it quickly gets better as the story goes on). (I mean, hopefully, it does. English isn't my native language so I apologize for any possible mistakes and flaws)

Besides, I update often as my sole motivation at this point is to finish this story just to start rewriting it while bashing my past self.

And with that cleared, enjoy your ride on the Hogwarts Express.

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