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What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life — to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting -  George Eliot

Dear kiddo,

Looking through the old files, I found my unpublished research on Bloodroot's use in Transfiguration Potions and its mortal outcomes when brewed with Hemlock and boiled in Doxycide. Their fermentation will take a long time and that is only if I can find the ingredients. I read the last manuscript you sent me and added the Amanita Phalloides, but something is still missing. We might've discovered seven new ways to kill Erumpents and yet it doesn't have the influence we need on the human organism. The news in the Daily Prophet are getting worse and worse every day and the Ministry has become even stricter with their rules on the practice of Dark Magic, I honestly don't know what I would do if something were to happen to my loved ones.

Do tell, how is James doing ? Did Lily finally say yes ? We are also inviting you all for Christmas like last year, I spoke with Lily's parents and unfortunately, she won't come but we're waiting for the rest of you. And please do not forget to take care of yourself, Euphemia's hand is getting sore from signing detentions on your mother's behalf.

Side note : I would highly suggest you to to read "One Thousand Magical Herbs And Fungi"

Fleamont Potter


Before having the time to read it a second time, the letter burned itself and ashes fell down to her feet. Being the only one out of their year to continue Arithmancy, she had missed Marlene's tryouts which obviously seemed to have gone well as the Gryffindor Common Room was louder than ever. James was singing birthday songs at the top of his lungs while Peter was trying to carry a cake, nearly as tall as him.




Marlene and Sirius bickering was a highly common scene to watch for the rest of them. Both being as loud as one could be, if you didn't know them, you would think they didn't get along, when it was in reality, it was the complete opposite. Their similar personalities made them both not care about things enough and the biggest drama queens at the same time, their unpredictability confusing the others. 

"Good job Marls, though I'm not sure if hitting the other candidate with a broom was the most ethical way to do that"

"My birthday ?" Jumping between the two girls, he was waving his arms, indicating wordlessly for her to follow him.

Quickly waving goodbye to Marlene, she went out of the Fat Lady's portrait with the boy pushing her forward excitedly until they reached an empty corridor. Looking around her, trying to find out what the boy was so enthusiastic about, James, Peter and Remus revealed themselves under the cloak, James holding a certain thing proudly and waving it high, showing it to them.

"Oh sweet Merlin my notebook !"

"I also go by James but whatever you prefer" Handing her the used journal.

"But since we saved it, it's now public property" Sirius, pulling the book out of her hands.

"What are you going to do with it anyway ? Weren't you the one finding it "stupid" that I noted everything I saw "

"That was before I saw the map you drew. Definitely not the most talented artist out there but if we improve them, and remember to lock it this time, those passageways are incredibly useful for our mischief"

"Can any of you draw better than me ?"

"Probably, but we were going to ask Meadowes to copy it on a cleaner paper" Peter added. The four had obviously brainstormed ideas before and there was more they hadn't told her.

"But for today, we want to start the Animagi thingy"

"Thingy ? Are you sure you're ready ?"

The three all nodded and Remus shook his head disapprovingly yet even he seemed excited for what was about to come.

"Then we start with the Patronus Charm. But pay close attention, it's extremely difficult and immensely complicated, however, it's only the beginning"

Hiding under James's cloak, they had started practising that same night in an empty Astronomy classroom. Their tutor hadn't lied when she warned them about the difficulty of the spell and even she had struggled to conjure it for many months, unlike what she liked to admit. 

None of them had produced anything, as expectedly, but were surprisingly quick learners compared to the mindless boys everyone thought they were, but of course, a such complicated spell's practice had left them all exhausted. Walking back to their Common Rooms, Peter nearly asleep in Remus's arms, Sirius and the girl stood behind when they spotted Slughorn leave his rounds to go to the Dungeons. 

Before they followed the three other boys out of the empty corridor, she held him back.

"I forgot to give you this, happy birthday Black" Handing him three identical-looking sunrise orange tickets, smiling and trying to walk away, this time he held her back.

"QUEEN CONCERT TICKETS ?" He was reading it over and over again to make sure he was correct, he finally looked back at her. "How did you get these ?"

"It's no big deal really, nothing money can't do right ? I went to King's Cross early so I could stop by the venue box office near the stop"

"And you waited there for hours, still afraid of muggles ?"

"I'm not afraid of them I love them, how can I not when they invented leather jackets ? But you have to admit they look like they want to kill you" She was trying to convince the boy while he was looking at her amused.

"Of course, but I saw you trying to buy yourself cigarettes while running away from a three-year-old kid, so" He was making fun of her with a serious tone while she was trying to change the subject.

"Yeah well I wanted to get 4 so you could all go together but they were all sold out"

"Oh don't worry love, we can sell the third one" Walking away with relaxed steps, the girl was behind, rethinking what he just said when her thoughts were interrupted. 

"December 27th, don't be late" Sirius winked one last time before he left on a carefree pace to the Common Room.

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