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The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars  - Jack Kerouac

The Gryffindor common room was often crowded and times like this were rare. The brunette and blonde duo being the only two people in their year to not have chosen Care of Magical Creatures, were sitting on the couch, one of them reading Mrs. Dalloway with her head on the other's lap, and Marlene trying to find the perfect music for the past half hour, when she finally stopped. Eclipse by Pink Floyd was playing on a low beat in the background while the girl was softly muttering the lyrics.

As the smile on her face grew, two dimples appeared. Her eyes were captivating and lying down with her short hair sprawled across the blonde's thighs, a feeling of peace overcame her. Marlene was looking down at her, a grin on her face, a feeling of embarrassment came out of her with a giggle, tilting her head slightly to the side when she felt her hand being pulled to the middle of the common room. Both girls giggling and accompanying the music aimlessly, her hand still held by the other, twisted her around, laughs colliding into one, before their lips joined them.

Marlene was known for being spontaneous, and by pulling her in, she had proved it once again. The moment her lips were put onto hers, everything felt slowed down. It was euphoric and the surprise effect only added to it. Not calculating, wondering, or even thinking straightly, she was simply enjoying as the girl pulled out, one hand still holding hers. Her laugh was addicting, making her join in the giggles.

"I always knew you were fruity"

"But, I also like boys ?"

"Questionable taste but it's totally valid. You'll have to discover it yourself but definitely sounds like a bisexual to me"

"I'm bilingual, does it work like that ?" 

She thought for a few seconds. "Yeah think of it like that"

The looks and laughs simply had a teen spirit in them, inconsequential and seeking joy, the bewitched record player switching to Here by America, Marlene had started a solo with her imaginary guitar, making sounds with her mouth and the laughing girl joining in, they seemed like simple teenagers, defying the so cruel life.

"What if I didn't want to kiss you ?"

"Oh you did. Trust me."

"You know, now everything makes more sense."

"Why ? Do you also want to fuck Lily ?"

"Oh shut it"


Walking to the Dungeons from the Gryffindor common room for Potions was always torture, especially when the weather was so chilly it gave everyone around goosebumps. 

"You know I dig the leather Elle but are you sure your muscles aren't frozen yet ?"

"My pride won't let me wear anything after I spent weeks trying to convince Minnie to let me wear the skirt."

"Honestly I never thought she would let you two walk around the school looking like Jim Morrison but here we are"

"Sirius is the one looking like Jim Morrison, I on the other hand am like a British Suzi Quatro." She flipped her hair sarcastically and grinned giving her friend a suggestive look.

"What, do you want to shag me this time Marls ?"

"Oh shove off and respect your bi revelation"

"Hey guys what are we talking about ?" Lily had joined them with her usual warm smile and threw each of her arms around one of her friends, joining them in the middle.

"Nothing much, only talking about-"

"-how much Elle here wants to snog me"

"I knew it !"

"Was I the only one who didn't ?"

"Well, Remus knew"

"And Sirius"

"Dorcas too"

The girl on the left looked at her two friends in disbelief.

"And no one thought of telling me ?"

"If it's any consolation Alice was convinced it was because you loved me so much ?"

"So Lils we're only waiting for you coming out then ?"

"Oh no, you two need a protector, and I'm amazing at my job"

"Then sit with us in Potions. Leave old Snivellus alone"

"He's also my friend and I'm always with you guys"

"Yeah what a great friend he is..." Marlene muttered under he breath

"Sorry ?"


"But I'm going to Hogsmeade with you this weekend ?"

"Marlene is out remember ?"

"And you Elle ?"

"How could I ever leave you carrot ?"

"Ooh great then ! Except for the traitor," They both looked at the blonde on the right with a dark glare on their faces, "we're all going to go together. Alice couldn't ask Longbottom out"

"That Pygmy Puff is going to be our end I swear"

"What is it with you and weird names ?"

"Genetics. You are forgetting I'm literally named Laurel Alcmene"

"What was going on in their minds ?"

"The real question is what were they on"

"Pepperup Elixir ?"

"Marlene do not push her." Lily scowled her like a mother. "I love your name dear"

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