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We feel guilty for what we do. We feel ashamed of who we are. - Lewis B. Smedes

Things had quickly intensified in the Alexander household the second they saw their daughter's new haircut. One thing led to another and each time the disapproval in their voice and cruelty in their acts increased. Whether it was her friends, detentions, or the mere fact that she was a Gryffindor, both parents hadn't left any unsaid and the girl facing, exhausted, not only from the blood spilling from her neck but the constant criticism and blame were only making her weaker. The girl everyone either feared or respected, the same person who never left anything unsaid was solely looking down, a lost spark in her eyes, and words locked inside her mind. 

Hours later, when the pain became insufferable and the tall adults were standing with satisfied smiles and antagonistic eyes, she heard the voice one final time that day.

"You know we are only doing this for your own good dear. In the future when these days will be merely shameful memories, we will be thanked." 

She would be ashamed, already was. Those people had saved her and yet, she couldn't even part her lips to stand up for them. And she continued to walk upstairs, blood tracing her path, words leaving scars.


"Oh welcome dear, how are you ? How are your parents ?" Asked the tall woman opening the door. Her dark hair was held tightly in a bun and her attractive thin face hiding the cruelty she held.

"We're all fine Mrs. Black thank you for asking." Smiled the girl warmly, clearly not minding the woman's affinity towards her. "And also, my father asked me to give Mr. Black this, must be about the Aurors Department." Gently laughing while handing the woman an envelope with the elegant stamp in the middle of it.

"Oh of course he does. Hilarious man your father. I read his last piece on muggle hunting in the Prophet. Brilliant, truly.

Her face falling but upholding the glamorous smile, 

"That he is." She added. "Is he here by any chance ?" Raising her head to look behind the stairs, obviously hoping to find someone.

"Wait a second I will call him here." Turning her head towards the kitchen and the corridor, she exclaimed, "REGULUS DEAR, YOU HAVE A VISIT-".

"Actually, I was looking for your other son, if you won't mind of course."

"Sirius ?" Her wondering face was overshadowed by the contentment the presence of the Alexander in the house had brought her, and the hope that his son was finally associating with the correct people, she went on to call the eldest brother.

Walking in his room, covered with posters, photos, and Gryffindor merch, she looked up to him.

"And I was wondering when they would drive you crazy. Two weeks is, for now, a new record."

"Trust me, I lost my sanity in that house long before that."

"Admitting to hating them, at least you are out of the denial stage ?"

The two exchanged glares, something the other Gryffindors often saw.

"Which classes are you choosing this year ?"

"Changing the subject to school ? Not so smooth Owlbert."

"If I hear that name aga-"

"To answer your question, I chose Muggle Studies, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures."

"Why would you do that ?" She laughed unbelievingly. "I chose Arithmancy, Muggle Studies, Divination and Study of Ancient Runes."

"I chose Care of Magical Creatures because it gets me out of Transfiguration every three weeks." He responded matter-of-factly while grinning sharply. "Why Divination though, I thought you hated Astronomy ?"

"I do, but it's also an easy O for the O.W.L's, just like Ancient Runes. How hard can that be, seriously ? 

"Tell me why you chose the two other tortures again ?"

"Arithmancy because, I'm great at it and Muggle studies, the same reason as you." She answered knowingly.

"To piss off your parents ?"

"Precisely Black. Precisely."

"I was actually waiting for you to also choose Care of Magical Creatures, you know, pull a Ravenclaw."

"Actually I was ! But I'm planning on trying out for Quidditch this year. After listening to James go on and on about it last year, how can I not."

"I call dibs on Beater"

"Oh no worries I'm a natural-born Seeker." Flipping her hair dramatically.

"Did you hear Hollins got captain? When we get on the team he is going to train the life out of us."

"I see you are confident, we have officially left "if" behind ?"

"It's 1973 people, there's no time for losers." And kicking the -what he had hoped was air- wooden desk, he threw himself on the ground dramatically and started reenacting a random death scene, as he watched the girl laugh until she could pass for the Gryffindor mascot and fall next to him, their laughs colliding and enlightening what was otherwise, the daunting and morbid Grimmauld Place.

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