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When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too. - Paulo Coelho 

Exactly one month since Lily and Marlene last talked to each other, and her.

It was alone. Without them, days didn't feel complete. And when they couldn't even look at each other, she realized how something she saw as routine could be so easily ripped away from her.

A month since Marlene stood under the same moon, only this time she was standing next to her.

"What if I am a Werewolf ? I can't be out in the open like this and you have the most useless Animagus form there is" Marlene spoke out, grinding her hands in cold and anxiety.

"That's why we're standing in the middle of the Forbidden Forest. And even if I'm not the most- physically capable one I'm quick. I can distract and redirect you. But I'm sure it won't be necessary. Madam Pomfrey said his bodily fluids didn't seem to be contaminated"

"We don't know that for sure" Her heavy breath vaporized in the cold air.

The sky slowly fell into darkness, and the moon started showing slowly.

Suddenly, Marlene pulled her hand, squeezing it tightly in silence.

"Look, if I turn out to be a Werewolf, I don't blame you"

"You should. I should've told you, and Lily but with Remus on the other hand-"

"No, I get it. Right now," She sighed nervously. "Right now I truly get it"

With her hand still in hers, she realized it was her time to apologize. To do whatever it took to make things right again against all pride and reason in the few minutes left until the moon would fully show itself.



"I'm sorry. For everything you called me out for and the things that you didn't but unconsciously brought you to that point, but I miss my best friend. Both of you actually, and I swear I would do anything to get out of this hellhole that is life without you two" Marlene laughed at her nervous voice, but didn't let out an answer, letting her instantly believe she was still mad. "So, do you forgive me ?"

Shivering, the girl let out one of her usual hoarse laughter. "Of course I forgive you, you little shit. We're like sisters, we will fight but at the end of the day, nothing can change that fact. I just wanted to make you guys suffer and come to me for once, but people were right. You two are fucking vain. I was starting to dream of you and Lily near the end"

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Maybe it was because she had imagined all the worst scenarios of how she would end up alone and they would spit on her grave, or hold their grudge for the rest of her life and hire a hitman to kill her, and then spit on her grave, this was too easy, and it felt awesome. 

Nearly like unconditional love. 

"After this stress is over, in whichever way it will, I can easily make up with Lils too. I'm more intrigued in how the two of you will deal with it. Who knows, maybe she will be the second person on earth to make you recite a mushy apology"

"It was a cool apology alright ? I don't do mushy"

"Yeah yeah sure"

"Besides, I can be happy, I really needed a haircut"

"You know you will eventually have to let someone else cut your hair right ?"

"Never. You will style me for my funeral. Only you know the perfect short"

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