Chapter 48: Confused for love

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"The most confused we ever get is when we try to convince our heads of something our hearts know is a lie."


Em woke up the next day with renewed energy. She may not recall the events after she went home but she remembered her encounter with Damian and his wife. However awkward it was, she believed she did just fine.

She rose from her bed and went downstairs to dine. Lucille won't be up until midday and she had spare time to go on a hike. Seeing that the morning mist had mudded the roads, she would not risk horseback riding for now.

On her way towards the kitchen a familiar face met at the entryway.


The man turned to her and upon recognizing her face, he smiled. "Emelia, good morn to you lass." Replied Damian's valet.

"Whyever are you here? And so early in the morning?"

"I was here since last night. His grace, asked me to set up a room for him."

"You mean the Duke?"

"Yes. I was just on my way to pick up his breakfast but the staff had not known of our arrival and now the food is not due until a few more minutes, I'm afraid."

Now why on earth would Damian stay at Fairclough? Does that mean his wife was here as well? Now that worried her.

"I see." She said with a nervous laugh. "Well, have a cup of tea at least." She ushered him inside and waved at the kitchen staff. They were abuzzed with activities. She went to Carol's side. "Can we spare some tea for Peterson?"

"Of course, I just made a cup. You go sit and I'll have some biscuits for you, too."

"Thank you."

Peterson was familiar with most of them so he did not feel left out. In fact, the other maids who were boiling milk and cutting potatoes were so comfortable around each other that they started striking conversation with him. "How is life with the Duke, Peterson?"

"Well, you know..the usual."

The girl slicing the potatoes paused and stared at him, "Oh come now, we know you and lord Damian never agree with things. Has he changed or has he been worse?"

Peterson cleared his throat, "We do not disagree, Daphne. We merely have our differences. But of course, I am merely his servant and I have very little say to these things." He lifted his cup and started sipping.

"You? Have little things to say?" Retorted the girl, "I find that hard to believe. Yer a loud mouth and we heard from the girls how you fuss about the master's wardrobe. So much so that he hated such elaborate clothing you chose."

"They are not elaborate at all! I am a man who follows fashion by heart and I intend to keep my lord in line with what is the latest trend."

There was a moment of silence but then everyone burst out laughing.

"That is exactly why the Duke hates you." Carol said.

"Er..I guess you could say that. He hates the feathers and other shiny things." Peterson replied.

"Well, don't we all?" Em asked which got her curious glances. "I meant...its just that, I find those feathers ridiculous. Why must we dress like birds trying to attract a mate?"

"Because," one of the girls said, "that is what those gentries do. Dress in feathers and shiny jewelry to attract a rich husband or wife. But I do agree, it is ridiculous."

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