Entry No. 43

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I awaited to be contacted by Garroth. I was wandering the inn since I was stuck there. I saw the inn keeper's wife and went over to her.

"I'm starting to think those guards have something to do with our Lord's disappearance.... Their timing is just so convenient.." she murmured.

I looked back to see the inn keep coming over to us.

"My wife, Anmi thinks that this entire take over was planned... To be honest, I agree with her," he said.

I headed back to my room to wait for Garroth's call.

"Lady Y/n? Are you ready to execute the plan?" He asked through the amulet.

"I'm ready," I replied.

"Good. Now... Here's where you need to pay attention to what's going on outside," he started, "Now.. This isn't the most mature of plans but... Laurence suggested we throw eggs at the guards to get them to chase us. We'll each do this one by one and attempt to lead them in different directions. This will not only separate them but give us the chance to make sure the guards closest to the inn move away, giving you the chance to inspect the well and find a way to get down there."

"I guess it's the best we've got.." I said with a sigh, knowing that I shouldn't push it.

I watched as they started the plan. It was definitely one of the sillier things I'd seen them do. I rushed down towards the well and found a button. I pushed it before heading down the opening it had made. I looked all around the sewer. I made it to a room and found Lord Burt and what I was guessing to be Pikoro Village's Lord. They seemed to be out cold and in some kind of ritualistic room. I shook them but nothing happened. I looked back only to see... Jeffory... I tried to convince him to let me take them.. He must have been afraid himself, I could see it in his eyes. He wasn't the kind of man to think this would be okay, he didn't have the heart..

"Jeffory... What about your daughter?" I asked, pleading.

"My daughter has nothing to do with this!" He said, his resolve breaking down.

"What would she say to her daddy hurting the innocent?" I asked, "I hate to say it... But please Jeffory.. Is this the kind of life you would want for her someday?"

He stood in silence.. His heart shining bright as ever.

"I'm sorry... But I know a man with a heart like yours can't actually think this is right.." I said, "You know this is wrong deep down.."

"Take them.." he said, "There's a tunnel that leads to the outskirts of town. Now go, take them and flee... Before I change my mind.."

I grabbed them both in golden lassos quickly before returning to his side. I stared in his eyes for a second. His hands came up and pulled my face in towards his. He kissed me, fear and worry clouded by passion. He slowly pulled away before leaning his forehead against mine.

"I hope I get to do that again.." he said softly.

I could tell I was blushing, but this... I started to form tears at my own eyes just feeling the pain in his mind and heart float to mine. He pulled me in once more for another kiss. I didn't want to pull away, yet... I knew it was inevitable..

"I'll be back for you, and I will meet your daughter.." I said surely.

He smiled down at me before nodding me off in the direction of the tunnel. Tears had now swarmed his eyes as well, but I had to go. I quickly tried to wipe them away before rushing off. After a long run and getting saved by Garroth, Lucinda was taking care of the Lords.

After a conversation with Lucinda, involving me calming her down, I was standing out in the barely morning light. Laurence explained to me that the altars had been ones for shadow knights.. The guards along with myself sat down as I explained to them what happened when I saved the Lords.

"I asked him about what his daughter would think about that... After trying to get Jeffory to pull down his defenses mentally... He let me go with the Lords.. Only leaving me with..." I said trailing off, reliving everything.

"What did he leave you with?" Garroth asked.

I snapped back from my thoughts before wiping away the little bits of tears that had formed in my eyes and sniffling.

"Don't tell me he put the moves in you.." Laurence growled.

I knew I shouldn't say it..

"It was nothing Laurence, no need to worry about anything like that.." I said looking at the fire pit, "I'm sorry.. I just, I need a little time by myself."

I walked out into the woods, well, almost more of a clouded wander. I walked around until I was far enough away for people not to be able to hear me easily. I hummed out a scream before pulling at my hair.

"I can't let him die.."

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