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"Please be seated" a nice maid says to the family of three as they walk into the house. "Ms. Ella and her daughter will be joining you soon"

"Alright" Elaine smiles, nodding.

"Seriously, this is the most lavish house I have ever been," Chaeyoung admits as she looks around.

"Do you like it?" Elaine asks casually.

"I love it, mom" the blonde squeezes her mother's hand lightly before pulling away.

"Well, you are lucky because ..." Elaine is about to say anything when Alice shrieks out of excitement at a sight of one fluffy ragdoll passing the spacious hall.


"Pull yourself together, Alice Park!" Elaine warns dangerously. "It's just a cat"

"But it's a ragdoll. I love them, Mom"

"I thought you were a dog person"

"I am. But I like cats too" Alice nods.

"Shut up, Alice. You are practically behaving like a child now" Chaeyoung says, trying to maintain a straight face.

"Oh, you wanna play adult, huh Park Chaeyoung?"

"Shut up"

"Girls" Elaine sighs. "Stop it. We are at someone else's house"

The elevator springs open, revealing a lady Chaeyoung thinks is the same age as her mother. They greet each other formally; 2 handshakes and 2 kisses; start with the left cheek and ends with the right cheek.

"My daughter is still upstairs" Ella Manoban tells as she joins the three at the couch. "She will come down in a minute"

"It's alright, Ella. We were early"

Ella Manoban smiles warmly. Her eyes are studying the two girls that are with Elaine.

"Which one of you two are Chaeyoung"

The blonde startles. Yet still, she raises her hand half in the air.

"It's me, ma'am"

"Oh, just call me Ella, will you"

"Alright, Ella" Chaeyoung smiles.

"Your mom is right," Ella smiles. "You are so pretty. And I can see the reflection of your heart in your eyes"

"Oh" Chaeyoung replies. She hates it the most when people compliment her because she doesn't know just what to reply back.

"Thank you" she adds after a moment.

"And who are you, attractive young lady?" Ella asks Alice who goes on introducing her name, her age, her alma mater like she is actually on an interview for a job.

"Harvard's School of Law?" Ella Manoban asks again, a hand against her chest.

"That's so impressive, Alice"

"Yeah, I know right. I'm lucky"

"How about you, Chaeyoung?"

"Umm, I went to trainee school in the past" she replies sheepishly as she realizes her past education wasn't as great as her sister, Alice - the smart Park.

"Which trainee school?"

"Black Label?"

"You are under Black Label?" Ella Manoban asks for a confirmation. Chaeyoung nods obediently, secretly hoping Ella's daughter would appear out of blue to stop this conversation.

"God, Kim Jisoo is a family friend"

"Kim Jisoo?" Chaeyoung frowns at the name. It sounds familiar to her ear before suddenly her eyes widened in response.

"Kim Jisoo of Black Label, you mean, Ella?"

Ella Manoban nods. "Yeah. She's very closed to us"

"Oh, I just knew that, Ella"

"It's not something we would like to talk openly on a daily basis" Ella Manoban runs a hand through her perfect hair. "I see her as one of my daughters because I have known her from little and ..." her voice trails off when Ella's eyes and everyone else dart towards the door where two pretty figures stand. 

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