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"Hello, my name is Mina" 

A brunette Korean introduces herself as Lisa walks in. She has a smile that warms everything that seems to be frozen but her smile isn't the one like one belongs to Chaeyoung. The blonde's smile is a lot prettier and warmer. For a moment, Lisa catches herself smiling as she pictures Chaeyoung's pretty face and her lips that expand in a big fat smile. 

"Hello?" Mina waves her hand in front of Lisa's face. The Thai takes a deep breath as she is brought back to the surface. 

"Sorry" she mumbles sheepishly. "I zoned out"

"It's alright" Mina nods. "It's understandable when you have wife that pretty"

"You know her?"

"I don't. But my grandma told me about how pretty she was"

Lisa smiles. 

"Before I forgot" Lisa extends her hand. "My name is Lalisa. But you can call me Lisa"

"Okay, Lisa. I hope you will work here for a long time. It's been quite a while that my grandma hired a new person to help us around"

"Oh, do you work here also?" Lisa asks as she follows the brunette around the store. 

"Yes. I work at the back, mostly. Doing accounts"

"Oh" Lisa clears her throat. "If you need anything, you can ask me. I know how to do accounts"

"Really? Were you accountant?"

"No, but I used to work in financial before so ..."

"What?" Mina stares at her incredulously. "Then what brings you to us?"

"Nothing" Lisa smiles. "Just doing something differently"

"Oh" the brunette says. "Anyway, let me brief to you about your job if you don't mind"


They walk to the counter at the front side of the shop. "You'll be here all day - catering for customers who come here to look for books. If there's no customer, you'll be arranging the books on shelves"


"And that's it"

"That's it?"


"Oh, wow. That's easy" Lisa smiles. The brunette Korean nods at her. "And if you to eat out for lunch, just tell me so that I can go with you"

"I'm married, Mina" Lisa teases. The brunette goes red in the face. 

"It's not like I want to flirt or what" she replies with rosy cheeks. 

"I know" Lisa smiles. "I'm just teasing you"

"Well, you did good. My cheeks are warm now"

Lisa laughs as she stares at the brunette. "Anyway, I think I should go and work now. Happy working, Lisa. Just call me if you need anything"

"Sure" Lisa nods. 

She puts on her stuff in the locker and starts arranging some books on the shelves. Five customers walk in and she guides them with books. They go out as happy customers.

*votes and comments*

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