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She might be the hottest of all women Jennie has ever seen in her life but it doesn't mean she lives up to Jennie Kim's standard

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She might be the hottest of all women Jennie has ever seen in her life but it doesn't mean she lives up to Jennie Kim's standard.

Her wife walks into the café in white tshirt and a braided hallo. A choker around her neck as another necklace circles it. She looks irresistible and gorgeous to the point where all heads turn to stare at her, with a hope she'd turn her head and mumbles the smallest hello through her heart shaped lips.

In short, she wins everyone's attention but fails miserably at attaining Jennie Kim's.

"I'm gonna sit" Jisoo says as she pulls the chair opposite from where Jennie sits. "Because knowing you, you wouldn't even ask me to sit"

"If you know me that well, Kim Jisoo" Jennie says, her eyes are on the menu book rather than Jisoo. "I bet you already come out with the assumption of what a great evening this will be, don't you?"

"A disaster" Jisoo rolls her eyes. "To be honest"

"Just like you"

"Excuse me?"

"Shut up"

"No" Jisoo scowls. "I'm not coming here for you to shut me up"

"Then why the fuck you are here for?"

Jennie snaps and both of them, for a moment look like they are ready to stab each other to death. Except that Jisoo finally gives in and sets her eyes on something else in the café rather than on Jennie's face.

"Because you wanted to talk" escapes Jisoo's throat. "So, that's why I'm here"

"Then talk" Jennie raises her eyebrows. "Talk, Jisoo. I've got all fucking time in the world to listen to your fucking thought now"

"Why do you always make this about me?" Jisoo asks. "You know yourself that this talk is supposed to be about you, how you never there for me anymore like you used to. And now you're going all dirty, pointing your finger at me like I'm the one who's suck"

"Because you want something I can't give you"
Jennie eyes Jisoo. "You think this is about the kisses you have been giving around? No, fuck that. I don't care you go kissing people. Most people find you irresistible and I can't stop them from thinking that way, Jisoo. But you want another step into the marriage. You want a child and I'm not ready for that. I don't think I ever will"

"Fine if you don't want to go all those stupid pregnancy stages" Jisoo raises her hands in the air, like she's some kind of a criminal surrendering herself to the authority. "We can always adopt. I have said that, baby. Or we can look for a surrogate mom, if you want the baby to come from us"

"I don't want you to do that!" Jennie frowns. "Jisoo, you don't understand. Look at me. Do you think I can be a good mom? You know all about me from the very beginning. You have seen how my parents got separated and how all of those stupid drama affected me. Do you think I can still be a good mom? Because I fucking don't think I can"

"Baby" Jisoo sighs as she extends her hand to reach for Jennie. The cat eyed doesn't resist. She lets Jisoo holds her hand before squeezing it lightly.

"Look at me"


"Jennie, please"

"No, Jisoo"

"Jennie Kim" Jisoo calls firmly and the woman finally gives in, staring at Jisoo through her lashes.

"I know about you family but fuck them, baby. I don't care. Yes, your family sucks and your dad an asshole but you are not. You are the most beautiful, kind hearted woman with a mouth sharps as razor but I don't give a fuck like that. I love you, baby. And I want this for us because I need you to fully believe in me, that I can love you too. Just like Lisa loves you.

And I want you to allow me into the circle you share with Lisa because I know even though we are married to each other, there's still this comfort bubble you refuse to let me in because you don't trust me. But baby, I'd do anything for you. I'd die for you, even if you want me. Just let me in and let me love you. You don't have to be scared, I promise you"

Jisoo's chest rising up and down as she makes her greatest confession ever to Jennie who slowly have tears filled in her eyes. Gently, the CEO leans forward and kisses the space between Jennie's eyebrows and wipes her tears away.

"Fuck baby, I love you so much. You don't have to be afraid. I'd always be there for you"

"Even when I get pregnant and my tummy isn't as flat as it is now?"

Jennie asks, a smirk on her face as Jisoo cackles.

"Of course, baby"

"Even when I annoy you and my hormones are bitches you can't manage?"

"Yes. I'd accept that"

"Even when I wake you up in the middle of the night, wanting a tub of strawberry ice cream?"

"Hell, even if you want me to fly you to China for some noodles, I'd baby. As long as you are with me"

"You sure love me a lot" Jennie says and Jisoo nods.

"Fuck yes, baby. I love you a lot. Let's not fight anymore. The house is lonely without you"

"I miss you too"

Jennie wraps her arms around Jisoo's neck, connecting their lips together.

The waiter comes a second later with Jennie's order. But she makes a grave mistake by eyeing Jisoo and sends her a wink thank undeniably making Jennie's hit under her collar. Harshly, she grabs her wife by the hand and puts on a bill on the table for the waiter to collect.

Jisoo looks at her wife weirdly. "Hey, where do you want to go? You have touched your food"

"Home" Jennie says as she unlocks her Ferrari.

"Why? It's lunch! Let's go somewhere else"

"Trust me baby, you'd want to do this with me"

"Fine" Jisoo pouts. "What are we doing?"

"Baby" Jennie starts the engine. "We are gonna make baby"


vOtE and cOmMeNt ✊

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