Chapter 34 ♤ : Taken

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Yonghi's P.O.V

I walk into class with Songkyo, "You know, if you have any troubles, just call me and I'll make sure I'll always pick up." She says. Her words are very sincere, I can tell.

"Thanks Songkyo." I smile,

Looking around I notice that the whole class has their eyes on us and Baekhyun is sitting at his desk. He gives me a glance before looking away.

I roll my eyes and walk towards my table and sit down.


The whole day basically consists of me and Baekhyun ignoring each other and being cold towards one another.

I see Baekhyun walking up the stairs. His footsteps echo through out the building, there's no students around right now, they're all in the cafeteria.

I don't bother stopping to spare him a glance. Looking up ahead, I take steps down and walk straight past him. He seems to stop a little before continuing to walk up the stairs, but his steps are much more violent, the sound of the stomps hurt my ears.

There's the sound of a person scurrying down the staircase. I just ignore it and make my way to my locker.

Suddenly, a hand grips onto my shoulder and pushes me to the side, my back hits the wall in a harsh manner and I grunt uncomfortably.

A familiar scent fills my nose. That irrisistable cologne that never fails to make butterflis erupt in my stomach.

Looking up, I see Baekhyun glaring down at me. His breath rising up and down from the running.

We remain silent for a while, just staring into each others eyes. My heartbeat picks up, pounding at a inhumane rate. Baekhyun's face is almost inches away from mine, if I were to move my lips out a little, our lips would be touching.

But no. I can't let myself get distracted, not like this.

"What are you doing?" I whisper. There's no need to speak in a normal voice when we're this close to one another.

He doesn't answer. He just keeps on staring, and staring, and staring.

As much as I want to just crash my lips onto his, I remember his words from the other day. There is no way that we're going to get back with each other, I dont think I want a boyfriend that won't believe in me.

Tired of waiting, I bring my arms up to his chest to give him a rough push. He stumbles backwards, almost falling down. He definitely wasn't expecting me to do that.

"Yah! You-" He shouts, but he stops when I ignore him and walk away.

He doesn't chase after me, but I hear him slam his fist onto the wall. I flinch a little, but I know that I shouldn't be showing him any emotions.

Yes, my heart is telling me to run over to Baekhyun and see if he's alright, but my brain tells me to stay and continue on with what I'm doing, and that there shouldn't be turning back in the sort of situation.

A few days later (Camp day)

Songkyo and I stand in the crowd of students as we wait for the bus.

"So... you don't like Baekhyun anymore...?" She asks, a little bit shocked.

"Yes." I lie. But the truth is, I cannot forget about him, I still love him so much, and the thought of him just makes my heart ache in agony. But I know that I have to forget him if I want to move on in life.

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