Chapter 30 ♧ : My cooking

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not edited, sorry for grammar and spelling errors.

A/N: Starting to dedicate chapter to readers I want to thank <3


(A few days later)

The tune of the lunch bell plays and the teacher dismisses us from class. In a few weeks time, we will be having our big exams, so Baekhyun and I decided to turn our dates into study sessions. And after the exams is going to be our end of year school camp! It's amazing how quickly this year has gone by, it's just as if time grew wings and flew away.

I meet Baekhyun outside in the grassy area where we can have lunch,"Hey babe~" he says,

"Hi oppa!" I wave excitedly, "Come on quickly and sit down," I say, tugging on his arm.

Today I made lunch for the both of us, I avoided cucumbers because Baekhyun just cannot stand them, but I honestly can't see what's wrong with them... he says he can't stand the smell.

"What's the matter?" He asks curiously, a small grin forming on his handsome face,"Is there something you want to tell me?"

I don't say anything but I turn around to grab the lunch boxes,"JJANN!" I shake the containers around and smile like an idiot,"I made lunch!"

Baekhyun's eyes light up in excitement, today is going to be the first day he tries my cooking, hopefully it tastes good.

"What is it?" He asks, his eyes glued to the box, "Something I like?"

"Chicken noodles!" I squeal, laughing.

"Oh! REALLY?!" He squeals as well, jumping up and down on his butt like a 5 year old.

We both look really stupid right now. If someone walks pass, they'd probably think we've escaped from some mental institute.

I hand him the lunch box, "Tell me how it tastes," I say quietly.

"Ah, of course I will~"

Taking out the chopsticks, he takes a big chunk of noodles and stuffs it into his mouth, I look at him with anticipation,"How is it...?"

His face scrunches up and chews the food very slowly as he puts the noodles down.

Crap... it must taste really bad...

"Is it okay...?" I ask in a little voice, scared as to what his comment maybe.

Baekhyun's face is serious as he swallows the last bit of food and sighs,"IT'S DELICIOUS!" He bursts out laughing, his serious expression instantly replaced with laughter.



He takes the noodles and starts eating them in big mouthfuls,"It tastes amazing," he says inbetween slurps.

"Eat slower oppa, it's bad for you if you eat this quick," I advise, patting him on the back.

"Everything you make is going to taste delicious, regardless if it tastes good or not," He teases,"Because I can taste the love,"

I laugh at his comment and take a bite of my noodles,"You should try cooking for me sometime," I say suggest,

"I don't think you'd want that," He scoffs,"I'd probably end up killing you,"

"Don't say that," I smile,"I'm sure it'll taste good,"

"Trust me," he insists,"One time I cooked for my brother, and when he ate it he immediately spat it out. But he still managed to eat it all, but I think he got diarrhea after or something like that,"

That has my laughing so hard that my stomach hurts,"Really?"

"Yup." He chuckles, popping the 'p'.

We sit there for the next 15 minutes talking about funny life stories and food.

"Oh!" I say, suddenly remembering something.

"What's the matter?"

"I forgot, I need to give you this,"

Turning around, I take out the blue notebook from my bag,"Here," I say, handing it to him.

"What is this?" He asks, opening the pages and looking inside.

"It's book with all the notes you need for the exam, with easy methods and ways you can remember formulas and things," I explain,"I know it's going to be hard for you to study and train at the same time. So I thought it would be easier if you could have your notes combined into a small book."

Baekhyun looks at me with his puppy eyes and gives me a big hug,"You are seriously the best girlfriend ever," He whispers, planting a kiss lips.

I giggle,"It's the least I can do,"

Apart from the revision book, I'm also preparing a small photobook of us, filled with our pictures together. There's photos of us on dates, selcas and pictures of food and the places we've been to, it's going to be a gift for Christmas.

"Are you going on the camp?" I ask him,

"Yeah, of course," he says,"I already talked with the trainers at SM, they said that's okay to miss out on training for a few days."

"Really?!" I squeal excitedly,"So you're going to go?!"

"Yep" he nods,"I'm going to sign up for the Talent show as well and sing with a few friends."

"Ooooo~ I'll be looking forward to that," I say, nudging him in the elbow.

"You should sign up as well and show people your singing," Baekhyun suggests,"You have the most amazing voice, Yonghi,"

"No... I can't," I say softly,"Don't you remember that I get really nervous if I perform by myself?"

"Don't worry," He says, trying to cheer me up,"I know you'll overcome it someday,"

I smile at his words and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps a hand around me and pulls me in closer.

He starts to hum a tune, I can feel his soft vibration on my head, it's soothing and it feels really comfortable.

I move my hand and put it on top if his, the warmth of skin sends a fuzzy feeling throughout my body. Baekhyun entwines our fingers together, holding my hand tightly in his, our couple bracelets dangling on top of each other.

His humming makes everything feel so serene. The sound of his voice blending in with the noise of students playing sport and chatting make me feel so safe and secure.

Shifting into a more comfortable position, I close my eyes and let myself relax in Baekhyun's arms before the next class.


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But anyway, guys please comment and vote ♡ it gives me motivation to write because it tells me that you like this story, and that makes me want to give you guys more :( ok? :C

I can tell that you guys are fustrated that I'm not updating as much :( sorry, it's just that school has started and I'm just a bit too busy. But I'm trying to write whenever I get time :)

Note to Alice:Thankyou for being with me since the start <3 I love your comments ;) Please continue to support 'Moonlight' :) <3

love you~ <3

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