Chapter 16 ♢ : No. (Baekhyun's P.O.V)

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Baekhyun's P.O.V:

I wave goodbye to Jaesung and Yonghi and jog into the school.

Yu sam is definitely going to pay for what she did...

For some reason, after knowing YongHi, all my feelings for her have suddenly slowly faded away. Maybe it's the fact that I have gotten to know the real Yu sam...

Bursting through the two front doors I quickly shove my bag into my locker and storm around looking for Yu Sam.

"Ya! Baekhyun!" It's one of my friends, Dae Gu.

"What do you want." I growl impatiently.

"There's something I need to tell you. It's about Yu Sam."

Oh great...

"What is it?"

"Well...." He awkwardly scratches his neck,"Apparently Yu Sam only decided to go out with you because of some dare with her friends."

The news doesn't really surprise me, instead, it only makes me even angrier.

I scoff,"Does she think I'm a freaking toy or what?!" I yell.

My blood is boiling and there currently isn't any room in my heart for forgivness, "Where is she?"

"I-I'm not really sure if this news is true... I just overheard some of her friends talking about it. Don't get too upset right now, maybe this is just a rum-"

"I said, where is she." My voice is stern.

"S-she's with her friends where they normally hang out."


The school bell goes.


I take serveral deep breaths before heading to my classroom.

Yu sam is dead meat when it's break time.

I have math first - good, it's not a class with Yu Sam in it.


I sit through the whole class continously tapping my foot on the floor and fiddling with my fingers.

When is class going to end..

I'm too busy thinking about other things instead of listening to the teacher, I bite my lip hard as I start to become extremely impatient and angry, a slight taste of blood gets in my mouth

I recieve curious looks from my classmates as they glance at me, they must be wondering what's going through my mind that's causing me to be so restless.

Class finally ends and I shoot out of my seat as the bell rings, ignoring the teacher that's telling me that she hasn't 'dismissed the class yet'.

Stalking out into the hall way, I spot Yu sam with her friends as they seem to be snickering about something.

There she is.

She sees me and runs over calling my name,"Ah! Oppa~ Hi!"

I return her with a cold glare and she slows down with confused look that is plastered on her face - she clearly doesn't know what's going on.

"Come with me." I say in a monotone, brushing past her shoulder, I walk outside.

She silently follows me from behind. I wait for the two of us to get outside before beginning.

"So.." I start, "Don't you have something you need to tell me?"

"W-What.. do I need to tell you...?" she stutters in an innocent voice.

"You know what you need to tell me. NOW SPIT IT OUT!" I yell causing her to flinch.


"Don't call me that." I spit coldly.

"I-I didn't do anything! You saw the other day, it was all YongHi's fault!" She pauses for a moment and huffs,"It's all her fault, the reason why you're like this to me right now, the reason why our relationship turned into this!"

"If you didn't do anything then maybe we wouldn't have to be here at this stage!" I'm slightly surprised at the harshness of my voice, but that doesn't matter right now, because all I want is the truth.

"Now answer me. Were you the one who got YongHi to this stage? Fractured shoulder and injuries all over her body."

Silence is my answer from her.


I go up to her and grab her by shoulders, shaking her. But her head is kept down, not daring to keep eye contact with me.

She finally speaks up, "I-I.... OK! I did it! I was the one who beat her up, I was the one who made it look like she hurt me! Happy?" The words that are spewing out of her mouth make me sick.

"So it was you all along..." My eyes zone out, not concertrating on anything, just looking out into the distance.

"But I still like you Baekhyun! Don't break-up with me..." She bursts out,"I only did those things so that our relationship could last longer.. Please... give me another chance."

I scoff, realising what an idiot I was to date this girl, but at the same time I'm hurt,"You like me...? But I loved you. I cherished you. I slways put you first, and this is what you do to me? Now you're telling me to give you another chance after you just stomped on my heart like that?" I try to calm down, "You treated me like nothing. You treated me like a toy. Something with no feelings, no soul. You treated me like nothing."

The emotions inside of me are mixed, I don't know whether I should be mad or hurt,"There's no more chances after this Yu sam. We're done."

I turn around and walk away, but she hugs me from behind.

"No... No! You can't just do this to me! I didn't do anything wrong, I just wanted us to have a good relationship.... isn't that what we both wanted?"

"Not anymore." I declare

I tear her hands off of my waist and storm off. The sound of her sobbing starts to fade away.


A tear rolls out of my eye,

How could I be so stupid?.. How could I end up loving a girl like her?


Sorry for the late update... my computers keyboard was stuffed.. ahhaa

hope you like it!

the next update will hopefully be this week :)

please comment, vote and share! :) thankyou guys.


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