Chapter 27 ♢: A Warning

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Back to Yong Hi's P.O.V:

I lie on my bed while snuggling with my large 'pea's in a pod' plushie. Baekhyun took me home while Songkyo and Jaesung both needed to do something.

When we got home, Baekhyun explained everything to my mum, about how I almost drowned at the pool and all that other stuff. Of course she was worried, she kept insisting that we'd go to the hospital, but I convinced her that I was alright.

Then she asked, "Are you my daughter's boyfriend?"

I was really surprised when she said that because I didn't tell her anything about Baekhyun and I dating. But she was just like, "Oh Yonghi... I'm your mother! Of course I would know. Do you know how strangley you've been acting lately?"

I told her that I didn't tell her because I wanted the relationship to be more stable. Just incase we, for some odd reason break up one day after I tell her.

And I must tell say, she could not take her eyes off of Baekhyun... She kept on smiling at whatever he did. So I had to quickly get him out, because my mum really likes young boys like Baek, but it's nothing too extreme, it's just that she really wanted a son, but Yongsoo popped out and turned out to be a girl.

My phone suddenly makes a 'pop' (notifaction) sound. I check it, and it's a text from Baekhyun.

Are you feeling better now? ㅠㅠ
Don't be unwell anymore or I won't be able to sleep. hu hu hu

Love you ♡

I giggle at his text and reply:

I'm feeling all better now after reading
Your text ^o^
Make sure to rest well!

Love you too~

His text helped me sleep well, otherwise I would've stayed up all night thinking about other things.

I'm glad I met you, Baekhyun.


*time skip*

(A fortnight later)

Yusam and her gang have been avoiding me for the past few weeks. I guess it's because they've realised they crossed the line after the pool incident. They don't even look at me in the eye anymore, but I like having a peaceful high school life with Baekhyun, Songkyo and Jaesung (They're dating now! Omg~) .

However something has been bothering me. Jungmin.

He keeps on staring at me when we're having class, and whenever I catch him, he doesn't quickly look away, he just keeps on staring. It's honestly creeping me out, but I haven't told Baekhyun, because I'm not sure what he'll do...

It's nothing serious anyway.

Opening my locker door, I take my bag out and head home. Baekhyun usually walks home with me since our houses are really close together, but today he has to go training at SM.

Walking out of the school gates by myself, I feel a empty... I miss Baekhyun...

But I have to get used to this feeling because we won't be walking home together for long.

I still remember the time where he told me everything about his first day SM entertainment, he was so excited, you could just tell by his expression and the way he talked.

It's a dream come true for him, and the fact he was asked to join the company instead of audtioning made him even more happier.

This might be a really selfish thought, but I sometimes wish that he had never been scouted into SM. What will happen when he debuts? How will our relationship stay together if he's going to be so busy? What if... What if he gets tired of me?

월광 (Moonlight) [Baekyeon Fanfic] DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now