Chapter 3 ☆ : Trouble

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The lunch bell finally rings and I walk towards my locker when someone's foot trips me. I fall and my books are scattered all on the floor. I looked up to see that it's a person (male) standing next to Jaesung.

Jaesung: Serves you right for talking back to me in class you b*tch.

I give him a cold glare, and start to pick up my books, but I'm kicked down by the other boy who is standing next to him. I grunt in pain,

Jaesung: Does it hurt? Well you're lucky I'm only being nice with you because you're pretty. Wouldn't want to scratch that precious face of yours.

He bends down to touch my face, before he can even get close, I slap his hand away.

Jaesung: Oooh! Fiesty.

The other boys laugh, clearly amused at the scene.

My blood boils, I'm furious. How could he treat someone like this? What right does he have?

I stand up and face him.

Me: What makes you think that you're better than anyone else? Your no different from any of us! Wake up and stop stuffing that little brain of yours with crap!

I don't know where all the courage came from for me to say all of that to his face, but I guess I just can't stand people like him.

Jaesung: Well, one. I'm better than you because I have more wealth and power than you. When you grow up, nothing is going is change because I will always be your boss. I will always be the one with more po-

Before he can finish his sentence, I slap him hard in the face. I'm too angry to even realise what I had just done.

Me: You really should go clean that brain of yours.

I hiss at him.

He looks shocked. I bend down and pick up my books, but I then realise that everyone who is in the hall is watching us. I start to feel a bit insecure, but I ignore the feeling and push pass the small group of bystanders that were crowding around us.

I head towards the canteen where I am suppose to meet Baekhyun, just as I walk in, it's as if my whole world is crushed. On the table on the far left, I see him kissing Im Yusam, one of the popular girls from my class.

So he has a girlfriend...

I turn on my heels and begin to head out the door, but I then hear my name being called out,"Yong Hee!"

It's Baekhyun, sighing, I replace my frown with a smile and turn around.

Me: Baekhyun! There you are!

He beckons me to go over to the table. I sit across him and Yusam, and place my books down on the table.

Baekhyun: Yusam, this is Yong Hee. Yong Hee, this is Yusam, my girlfriend.

she gives me a little smile.

I feel a pang in my heart when I hear him say the word girlfriend.

Me: How long have you two guys be dating for?

He stares at Yusam in admiration, and I can feel jealousy taking over.

Baekhyun: Almost 2 months now.

He sounds pretty casual about it.

Me: That's so sweet!

I'm trying my best to sound as cool about them dating. But, honestly I am not. Yusam is so pretty, she has long brown curly hair, soft pearly skin, big brown eyes and a nice skinny body.

Baekhyun: I'll go get some food? Bread? Rice?

Me: Bread will be fine thankyou~

Baekhyun left and now I was alone with her. Well this is awkward...

Yusam: Do you have a boyfriend?

She smirks.

Me: No, I don't have one.

Yusam: Oh well, that's sad. I got one and you don't! Isn't that funny? Oh, and by the way, don't you even think about taking Baekhyun. Eventhough the only reason why I'm with him is because of that stupid dare I with my friends. But all that doesn't matter, you just need to f*ck off and leave before things get ugly.

She warns with a bitchy expression.

I'm too shocked to even respond. This girl looks like an angel on the outside, but she's just a two faced bitch! How did Baekhyun even meet someone like her?

Me: W-What did you just say?

She just gives me a scoff.

Her whole expression changes when Baekhyun comes walking back, Wow... this girl is just... Wow...

Baekhyun: Here's your bread Yonghi~

Me: Thankyou Baekhyun-ssi

He hands me the bread, and our fingers touch. Sparks run through my body, and a warm sensation goes through my stomach.

I quickly pull my hand away and he gives me a small smile.

Baekhyun: Yong hee, where's Songkyo? Didn't you say that she was coming?

He asks trying to fix the awkwardness.

Me: She said that she had stuff she needed to do.

I asked her in our second class together, but she just said that she couldn't go and that she had to go meet someone. She looked uncomfortable for some reason so I didn't question her any further.

Yusam: Stuff to do? She's probably getting beaten up by Jaesung.

She laughs.

I stare at her and so does Baekhyun.

What the heck is wrong with this girl? Is she on her period or something?

Me: What do you mean 'Getting beat up?

I ask seriously, but she remains silent. I turn to look at Baekhyun, but he seems to be confused as well. I don't know whether he's confused about why Yusam said what she said, or what she means by Songkyo getting beat up.

Yusam: Ha..ha..ha nothing...

I get out of my chair and head out of the canteen.

I can't believe I didn't notice this from before! Oh I'm so stupid! I should've figured out something was wrong when Songkyo said that she had to meet someone. Oh my god! How could I be so STUPID?! She even told me that no one treated her like a friend... Just, how could I not have noticed?

I hear Baekhyun calling my name from behind, but I ignore him and continue speed walking my way out. I have to find Songkyoo, she's my friend, how could I be sitting here doing nothing when she could be hurt right now?

I run, my footsteps echo through the hallway.

I search through every classroom, I go to the oval, but there's no one is there. I think hard, where could she be?

Suddenly a place pops up in my head, the rooftop!

I remember her talk about how she'd go up to there sometimes.

I sprint up the stairs, slowly pushing open the door and I search the rooftop. There, I see her, with a group of boys surrounding her.


sort of a clif hanger right? ><"

please tell me if this is good or not!

I really think doesnt have enough baekhyun yet. but he will become more frequent(?) in the book in the next few chapters when he and yonghi's friendship develops..

once again sorry for a slow start... x.x"

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