Chapter 12 ♧ : He cares

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There seemed to be a technical error when I tried to upload this before. Hope it works now :)

Here's the 12th chapter guys :) please tell me your thoughts on this story... There hasn't been much response and it feels like I'm writing a story to a wall. Your opinions are CRUCIAL! ㅠㅠ


Baekhyun slowly breaks away from the hug and looks at me with his red, puffy eyes,"So, you really forgive me?" he asks again.

"Yes Baekhyun, yes."

He gives me a bright smile and gets up,"I'll go see if they have the bed ready yet. I don't want you to stay in this cramped up place for the whole night."

"Haha ok, thankyou..." I can feel my cheeks heating up a little.

Omg, he's so sweet!

He comes back in a few minutes with some doctors,"Yonghi, I'll go get your things, the doctors will be taking you to your new room."

"Oh ok."

The doctors insist that I go by wheelchair and not by foot, so I do. Baekhyun follows right beside me, he tries to stir up a conversation with the doctors but they just nod, smile or shake their heads.

Friendly much...


We arrive on the 4th level. The elevator doors spread open revealing a nice, neat and quite hallway. There are nurses assisting patients and families sitting on benches.

I'm wheeled to a single room which surprises me. Shouldn't I be sharing a room with other patients?

"Um... Doctor?" I ask, he turns and faces me,"Why am I in a private room? Shouldn't I be in a room with other patients?"

"Well your friend from before requested that we had you sent into a private room, we refused at first, but his uncle is the CEO of this hospital. So we had no choice." he explains.

"Wait, you mean Jaesung?" Interrupts Baekhyun.

"Yes. That guy."

"No, I can't just take a private room just because someone said so! Other patients need to use this room, besides, I only just hurt my shoulder." I protest,"Can't you change me to go to one of those normal beds?"

"I'm really thankful you have that heart and mind Miss Kwon. Thankyou for being so mature and understaning, I'll go see if there's a spare bed available." He compliments.

"Yonghi, are you sure you want to?" asks Baekhyun.

"I'm not going to take up this whole place for an injured shoulder Baekhyun. There's other people who need this room more than me."

He smiles at me,"Oh Yonghi, you're so nice!" He places his two hands on my cheeks and pulls.


"I'm just admiring your cute face."

I can feel myself blushing again,"Ok, you can stop now..."

"You're no fun." He pouts.

The doctor comes back in with a smile,''There's a bed available, we can move over now."

Baekhyun comes behind and pushes me in the direction the doctor is leading us. Him being so close behind me makes my heart to beat super fast.

We steer into a fairly big place, it 3 beds on each side of the walls. Out of the 6 beds, only 2 are taken, the patients are two middle aged men. The doctor directs us to the bed in the corner next to the window.

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