Chapter 6 ☆ : 007 bbang. Awkward.

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We walk out to an empty grass area and sit down in a circle. There's 13 of us, 7 girls and 6 boys.

YuSam: Ok everyone knows how to play the game right?

All: Yes~

Baekhyun friend 2: We are going to play the silent version. No talking. The punish will either be take off a piece of clothing or a flick to the forehead. Just a reminder guys, we're not going extreme on the stripping part, you can take off a hair band, shoe, jumper or a tie.

Everyone seems to sigh in relief after hearing the stripping rules. XD

Baekhyun friend 2: Yong Hee, you start.

I point at Song Kyo, she points to Baekhyun and he points to one of his friends.

The game only goes on for about thirty seconds before Yu Sam misses and has to face the consequences.

YuSam: I'll take off my blazer.

The game continues, it starts to get boring for me, but then I stuff up.

YuSam: Yong Hee can get hit!

She suggests in a "cheeky" tone.

So this is why you pulled me over to play this pathetic game. So that I would get hit. Wow, thanks.

Baekhyun: I'll do it.

Volunteered Baekhyun, he got up and walked towards me. YuSam opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I look at Baekhyun with puppy eyes, hoping he'd do it lightly, or not do it at all.

Baekhyun: Don't look at me like that Yong Hee ah!

He says sounding defeated.

I thought I had won, but he comes and sit infront of me. Positioning his hand at my forehead, he leans in close to my face making me blush.

Baekhyun: Sorry Yong Hee, forgive me.


"AH!" I yelped in pain,


Everyone starts laughing. I seriously don't find it funny at all, my forehead is throbbing in pain.

I'm going to get you back...

I wait for Baekhyun to mess up. After a few minutes which feel like hours pass, and he finally messes up.

Me: I'll hit him!

I yell, my hand instantly snaps upwards.

Everyone (apart from YuSam) : Hit him! Hit him! Hit him!

I walk up to him, sit myself down, place my fingers on his forehead and lean in close to his face like he did before.

Me: Sorry Oppa~ Forgive me.

I say in a playful tone, I can see him smile a little when I call him 'oppa'.

PAK! I do it hard and fast (sounds wrong I know xD) and I hear him shout it pain.

Baekhyun: Kim Yong Hee! You!

He yells, laughing.

His friends hi-five me as I go back to my original spot.

But as soon as I sit down, Baekhyun begins running towards me.

Baekhyun: You'll pay for that!

He shouts like a child.

I get up and run, he's right behind chasing me, half yelling half laughing. We run around in circles around our friends, they're clapping like seals, bursting out laughing, but Yu Sam and Song Kyo look unamused.

I run onto the oval and look behind me. Baekhyun is really close, I keep running until I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, stopping me from moving any further,

Me: Ah Baekhyun!

We both fall onto the ground with me lying on top of him on my back, we cracked up laughing, I rolled to my side, and our positions somehow ended up switching. Now he's on top of me.

Baekhyun: This is what you get for hitting me!

He says cutely.

I don't reply. I'm too distracted about how close his face is to mine. He seems to realise as well, and finally gets off of me.

We sit there awkwardly, but then his friends start yelling:When are you two coming back?! You kissing or something?

Yu Sam slapped him on the chest

YuSam: What are you saying?! Just incase you forgot, Baekhyun is my boyfriend!

She storms towards us, takes his hand and leaves.


OOoooooo~ so what do you guise think?????? Interesting? Cheesy? Nice? Bad?

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